Zenovia, on the other hand, was enjoying herself a little too much. She felt like laughing when she saw the realization in the blonde's face. She watched as Trix made the mulled wine, knowing full that the other woman wasn't enjoying her company anymore. She cocked an eyebrow at the blonde as she offered Zenovia the promised, first cup. [color=ed145b]"Why thank you!"[/color] She replied with a grin on her face. She took a gulp at the warm liquid, enjoying it's wonderful taste. She noticed the fairy's presence but chose to ignore it as it fluttered away. Zenovia watched as Trix went to offer the butterfly thing a tiny cup of wine. By that time, Zenovia had already attracted the attention of a few knights. They partially surrounded her. She went through the arduous process of showing them her documents. It all checked out as usual. They started to talk to her a little bit as well. [color=a2d39c]"So what's a woman like you doing 'round here? You're a bloody Screamer if I ever saw one."[/color] He said with an accusing look. Before Zenovia could respond, one of the other knights piped up, [color=7ea7d8]"S'pose I could take you round back and make you scream for a different reason, Hah!"[/color] The knights laughed briefly at the stupid joke. Zenovia smirked mischievously at the Knight that made the joke. She leaned her staff on the table before wrapping her arms around the Knight's neck in a seductive manner. [color=ed145b]"Wouldn't you like that very much~?"[/color] She whispered suggestively as she brought her face closer to his, as if she was going to kiss him. She could see the knight's face turn a shade of red, causing her to chuckle and draw back. A collective, silent 'Awh' emanated from the three knights. She stepped back, gulping the rest of her wine down and picking up her staff again. [color=ed145b]"Perhaps some other time~?"[/color] She teased before sauntering over to Trix, only to catch her inviting the Fairy to her house. [color=ed145b]"I'd love that too. Perhaps I can tag along~"[/color] She interjected with a friendly tone.