[b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | Tuesday, June 9 2015 - After School[/b] With the rather sudden departure of both Shizuka and just moments later Matthew too, Kotori had turned to gather her things seeing as there was little left for her to do alone in the clubroom. However, she wasn't quite alone - though in the other two members' haste, a knock on the door had been drowned out, leaving her instead to nearly jump in suprise when a voice suddenly called out a greeting from the door to which she'd had her back. [color=green]"Eh?"[/color] was the only thing she could bring up in her surprise as she quickly turned to face the source of the voice - though with the initial unexpectedness quickly fading, Kotori realised that she recognised the voice at the same time as she recognised the person whom it belonged to. [color=green]"Ah, Dragunov-senpai"[/color] With a bow, she returned his previous greeting before looking up at the noticeably taller third year student as he put away his phone. His following question was quickly met with a raised hand on Kotori's behalf: [color=green]"Ah, I'm fine,"[/color] she said, shaking her hand to assuage any doubt. [color=green]"Uhm..."[/color] Kotori started, glancing about the room as she did - before realising a bit too late that that would usually be the moment she'd return the question. [color=green]"H-how are you, senpai?"[/color] Kotori asked, a bit belatedly. [color=green]"Do... you need anything?"[/color] she then added when she further realised that it was somewhat unusual to have guests at the Agriculture Club - the president of which, unfortunately, was not around if that had been the reason for his visit. [b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | Saturday, June 13 2015 - After School[/b] With the usual ring, the bell signalled the end of class and the start of the weekend - which most of the class were rather eager for and quickly headed out to meet up with their friends or other appointments. Kotori meanwhile, much as usual, remained seated as she finished her notes for the day; brief though they were considering that school ended somewhat early on a Saturday. Quickly reading her notes over, she gave a satisfied nod before packing her things. As she did so, she thought on what to do with the rest of the day - there wasn't any shopping that needed to be done today nor was there a club meeting. That last thought brought a small smile to Kotori's lips - though they hadn't said a word about it, there had been some very subtle exchanges between the other two club members. Not exactly noticeable, but if one knew to be on the lookout, it wasn't much of a stretch to know what that was about. When Kotori picked up her bag though, a voice could be heard - and an oddly familiar one, given her previous thoughts. Turning to look, it was indeed Shizuka; the younger girl standing in the classroom's door and peering inside as she asked whether Saji was around. Schoolbag in one hand, Kotori walked over before giving a small bow in greeting: [color=green]"Hello, Otonashi-san."[/color] Looking about the classroom to see if her classmate was still about, Kotori quickly found Masahide's seat before pointing it out to the enquiring girl. Though she was a bit curious about the rare visit, it seemed a bit rude to ask; leaving Kotori to give another bow before heading out of the classroom. [b]Kotori Shirohane - Abandoned Warehouse | Saturday, June 13 2015 - After School[/b] A little out of breath, Kotori arrived at the warehouse following the message from Rui - she'd only just gotten home when he'd urgently called for a meeting. Kotori had said she'd made some plans for the afternoon with some friends from school - not entirely a lie, really - and had headed straight for the warehouse where she'd met the rest of the group last time when Ayano had been kidnapped. She was feeling a little uneasy - the prospect of the kidnappings continuing still was not a very enjoyable one. Furthermore, there was the rather real chance that they'd have to once again fight those shadow creatures - an equally unpleasant thought, though she hoped she'd be able to at least try to help out. As such, Kotori tried to stymie her nervousness as she waited for the group to arrive and Rui to divulge all the information once they were assembled.