Character Name: Ivar Bjornsen
Power Level: Low-Mid
Arena: Any
Victory: KO, Death, Retreat
Wager: -
Stipulation: None 

[hider=Ivar Bjornsen]
[b]Name: [/b]Ivar Bjornsen
[b]Age:[/b] 27
[b]Height:[/b] 5'!0"
[b]Weight:[/b] 252 lbs
[b]Body Type:[/b] Stocky, muscular build, with some girth
Eye Color: Green
[b]Hair Color:[/b] Brown
[b]Hair Style:[/b] Short, slightly messey, about ear's length
[b]Skin Color:[/b] Caucassion
[b]Race: [/b]Human Mutation
[b]Ouccupation:[/b] Tourist, Geologist, Semi-Professional Musician

Apperance: Ivar dosen't put much effort into the clothes he wears, wearing mostly comfortable clothing, Khakis, Jeans and usually, a T-Shirt with his favorite Heavy Metal band's logo on it. The only thing he prides himself in is his vest, which adorns a great amount of band memoriblia, both sewn and ironed on decals. That vest has seen better days, it is ripped in various places. As far a shoes go Ivar wears steel toed boots, mor often then sneakers.

[b]History:[/b] Initially born Human, to a normal family in Norway. Ivar. was for the most part developed well. He ate more than the usual child though and the contributed to his girth. Originally, he was unaware of the dormant abilities with-in him and only used them passively, as reflex. During school time he predicted an Earthquake at leaast 7 on the Rictor Scale, much to his classmates disbelief, amazement, and eventually fear. As, Ivar graduated school he went out to become a professional body builder, but his heart wasn't in it. Ivar began to start to practice the Electric Guitar at this point in time, as a coping mechanism, for losing most of his friends due to his freakish prediction. EVentually he became semi-professional with his accomplisments, he decided a life of travel was more suitable for himself. After High School he attendend College Majoring in Geology, studied and graduated sooner than expected. But, tradgedy struck soon after the delight of success.

While rock-climbing, with his parents. One of them didn't quite secure the line well enough and it slipped, undoing itself. Much to how he predicted the Earthquake, he reacted reflexively, this time with the great danger of losing his father. The Earth moved and manipulated itself into that of a crude catcher's mit, but unfortunatly for Ivar, it wa still made of dock dirt and stone, his father snapped his neck on the impact. Still in amazement, his mother and he retrived his body. It was this time Ivar realzied he wasn't normal, flashing that moment back into his mind, along with the grief of his father's death. This, and this aloned awakened the dormant abilites within him. As, time went on Ivar took up a time of self-discovery and began to travel the world, searching for absolute mastery of his abilites, so nothing like that ever had to happen again. He travels along as a traveling Musician as a cover. Ivar never sticks around in one place for very long, traveling as a musician, he is alos the cause of "mysterious" destruction of Expensive Sports Cars, which may or may not get him into some shit, if he takes anything from them. This string of events is also training in which to compleatly master his abilities in a short amount of time, under pressure. Effectively allowing him to hasten his reaction times with his abilites, under the most daunting of circumstances.

Ivar's primay connnection is with the elemental of Earth, he has the ability to manipulate, shape, alter anything that encompasses the Earth itself. Stone, dirt, metal, gems. His abilites are limited only by his imagination, and well if it's made of the Earth. His kin-ship with the Earth make him excellent at both offensive and defensive potential. As such he is able to construct things out of metal, mud, gems, and stone. This grants him a wide variety of abilities. This ability this also aids Ivar with adapting to new situations. He is virtually limited by his imagination, willpower and resolve. This ability is not re-active but rather pro-active, thus requiring some element of self-control, an emotional and mental calm and lots of fucking stone and metal to be even at best effective. The ability functions in a radius of 30 feet to maintain complete mastery, shape, and mainuplate it. His abilites waver when out side of as he supraces the 10 yard mark. Things get a bit more difficult to control. And is unable to manipulate them further past 15 yards (45 Feet). normally. But, increased concetration a point of origin may also be do-able put puts some mental stress on Ivar.

[b]Earth Symbiosis[/b]
Ivar is sustained by the minerals in the Earth, merely absorbing them into his being. This relationship with the Earth effectively allows Ivar to replace chunks of his body with that of the Earth, when using Geo Property Absorbtian, allowing a damaged Ivar to patch himself with an bandage, patch or stopgap to allow him to stay in the fight longer. As, such a side effect of this relationship has rendered Ivar's lungs useless, allowing him to survive without air, food or water. An almost complete symbosis with the Earth itself.

[b]Automatic Geo-Property Absorbtionp[/b]
Ivar is able to take on the exact properties from stone, metal, ore of all types, etc. This power functions with skin contact. It happens reflexively, and Ivar must make a consicious choice not to change or allow his body to take on both the strengths and weaknesses of doing so. This ability retains his freedom of movement. This ability does more then change the Ivar's skin into that of a material, it also mimics the traits of the substance internally and changes the base structure of his functioning organs, nervous system, bones and muscules into the absorbed material (Except for the blood-stream). 

[b]Geo-Anatomy Manipulation[/b]
Through the use of Geomancy, when the properties of a substances is taken on through his Automatic Geo-Absorbtion power, he is able to manipulate his own body to becoem a living weapon. He is able to stretch, shape, split or otherwise manipulate his body to any shape or form imaginible. This ability changes the molocules in the substance to allow Ivar to perform such abilites. As such, he is also able to shift placement of his internal organs making his discernable anatomy very hard to pin-point.

[b]Tremor Sense[/b]
Ivar is able to sense vibrations in the Earth as easily as one walks upon it. This kinship with Gaia, allows him to tell if someone is approching him slowly or rapidly, but the vibrations of the ground, stone walls, metal plating etc. Ivar refers to this ability as his "Tremor-Sense". By sensing the vibrations in objects around him he is able to Sonar Ping and locating enemies. This ability functions at even sxtreme distances over over 200 yards (600 ft).

[b]Soft Transmutation[/b]
The ablity to change the state of into another form or substance. Ivar is able to transnmute the forms of metal into other kinds of elements related to metal, rock, gemstones, etc. While not a master of the art, Ivar is naturally adept at this ability. Ivar is able to change the form of of these materials into that of another related to his knowledge of Geology.

Ivar wears two arm bracelets made of a Titanium alloy, of which he harvested himself from the connection rods and engines of expensive sport cars. These bracelets are about wrist to just below the elbow, the are adorned with a various rivet design. Ivar always wears a similar set up on his legs, above the ankle protecting the shin and is kept in place with a titanium fiber straps, as to not restrict movement. He also wears an pendant made of oakm depicting the symobol of Mljonir, the fabled hammer of Thor, Norse God of Thunder and protecter of mandkind. Each of these accessories ar about 4 inches thick (Except the Pendant). Ivar also carries around a literal 'utility' belt specially made to pop open for quick, easy access to it's contents. Including Magnesium, Iron, Clay, Copper, Coal, Tungsten steel, Lead,Gunpowder,and Diamond. 