[quote=@TheUnknowable] [@Jotunn Draugr]edit: I'll allow it, but I might use it later on undead. Two quick questions, though: 1) Does Holy magic affect him the way it does demons/vampires, where they take damage any time holy magic is used on them, regardless of type? 2) What type of magic is the shapeshifting? It just matters so that I know which stat to roll. The undead strength is basically a set effect, so he'll just need to activate it. [/quote] I changed his first skill to fencing, to match his melee build. Gun proficiency can wait. 1) Uhh, I'm gonna say yes. Ideally, it would be cool to break down the holy magic by source, depending on where the caster gets their holy magic from (Gods that compliment the Aesir/Jotunn pantheons vs. those that don't, for example). My thinking is that Priest/Druid-esque holy magic, that draws from peaceful inspirations would be doubly harmful, while Paladin/Crusader-esque holy magic, that draws from indignation and aggression would be almost safe. Or if someone worships Isis or Athena it hurts, but not if they worship Sekhmet or Ares. If that seems a bit too convoluted, we can just go with a simple "holy=bad" approach. 2) The shapeshifting would be Demonic magic.