By the time Garret got back to the Mech hanger, he found his Ranger crawling with maintenance crews detaching the Mech's more lethal armaments and unneeded armor sections for an array of scientific sensors and equipment. Naturally, and rightly concerned of his mechanical steed and AJE's hardware, Garret walked across the overhead catwalk and leaned over the railing, observing the work in progress. Normally the pilot would be inquired about any technical adjustments that were required to be modified but his own preferences were however nullified with strict instructions from the corporation for engineers to abide by the templated formats necessary to carry out specific operations. It was becoming somewhat clear that staff behind the Ranger seemed like a mixed bag of veterans and mechanics that didn't tend to see eye to eye every time. Garret then noticed two engineers talking to each other with the Ranger's blue prints in their datapads all the while prodding at the Mech's SRM launchers as if they were seeing if it could be removed. It seemed apparent they didn't exactly agree with the suggested layouts and attempted to figure out the Ranger's external back module, or "backpack" as they called it. One of them eventually noticed Garret observing them. "Sir? The launcher here, it is a static component right?" asked the engineer. "Yeah, it's non-modifiable. At least what I've been told anyway." Garret replied. The two engineers looked at each other and back at the blueprints, making what sounded like grumbling noises from where Garret stood before the same man looked back and thanked the pilot. It was not long until the the modifications were soon complete with mechanics and engineers moving along to their next walking tank to work on. Still leaning over the railings, Garret produced his PDA from his pocket and accessed the news net, skimming through the available articles until his next orders came in.