[quote=@TheUnknowable] [@Letter Bee][@Jotunn Draugr][@Minato Namikaze] Just a quick question for everyone. Where would your character end up if they die? Sarah, for example, would end up as a ghost, walking the astral plane. I assume Forseti won't go to Valhalla, as he's a Draugr, but I wasn't sure where any of you would go if you die. I was considering having a "rescue them from the afterlife" arc if someone dies in one of the battles this arc. [/quote] Haha that would be very interesting for Forseti, because he definitely wouldn't go to Valhalla. He'd be dragged down to Helheim, in the heart of Niflheim. This is essentially Hell, with fire and brimstone, but in order to get there you have to pass trough a frozen land of spiritual mist and Ice Giants. Even once you're inside Helheim itself, you've still got to deal with Hel herself. In order to go to Valhalla, his soul would have to be at peace when he dies, I think. BTW, I won't be able to get back to posting until Sunday evening. Got a couple weekend classes to teach.