Zenovia sighed audibly as the knight continued to interrogate her. She would be blunt as she always was, however, she felt that it might make things more difficult for her. She turned back to face the other Anuirean. [color=ed145b]"That would be none of your business. And I don't know much about Ruby Banks, other than it holding a Winter Festival. And that it got raided."[/color] She replied curtly, a slight smirk on her face at the end of her sentence. She felt that it truly was none of this woman's business. She had no obligation to tell a knight about her personal activities. She felt a slight fury boil within her as the woman asked for her staff. [color=ed145b]"I'd think as a a fellow Anuirean, you'd understand that we dislike giving our weapons to others, but I guess you're just lacking culture. I'm not too fond of Knights prancing around with their hand always on their weapons either."[/color] She retorted, her grip was firmer on her staff this time, but still held in the same fashion. Realistically, no civilian would ever feel safe around Knights if they all walked around like this bitch did. Also the way Zenovia was holding her staff was in a very non-aggressive, relaxed manner. [color=ed145b]"If you've still got a problem with me, you can always challenge me. Isn't that a custom here? How very brutish."[/color] She added in a mocking tone.