[h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Warakuma Park || June 13 SAT: After School[/h3] It might just be her imagination but Shizuka felt as if her presence and inquiry were unwanted by the irritated expression upon the upperclassman's face. No surprise there, she did bring up a possibly unpleasant incident for the older male and she was hesitant to do so. Her response to the unconvincing assurance that he was alright was a hesitant nod. If the other didn't wish to delve too deep into it then the underclassman had no choice but to comply. It wasn't polite to be too nosy into other people's business after all. But her concern remained on her featues. A moment of silence, then something caught Shizuka off guard. The sudden change of tone from Masahide. The poor girl flinched, averting her gaze away as he pointed out the way she looked at him. Was there something wrong with the way she looked at the upperclassman? But it didn't end there, the way he spoke lost its formal manner as the hazel eyes of the younger teen started to moisten from how hateful the other was starting to sound. Her hands and lips shook as Shizuka mumbled in a soft, shaken voice, [color=violet]"...I-I didn't mean to upset you, I-I'm truly sorry... It's... It's just that.. while you say you're [i]alive[/i], yo-your face um... sort of te-tells me other wise."[/color] While trying her best to hold back from tearing, the freshman collected her belongings and spoke once more without turning to face Masa. [color=violet]"I-I truly apologize for robbing you of your time... I-I'll be taking my leave if my presence is unwanted."[/color]