[@booksmusicanime] Asgore jumped at the sudden sound of a loud "THUD" from afar. His long ears wiggled at their base, and he rose from where he'd been bent over a newly budding sunflower. The former king set his blue whale watering can down carefully, pausing with a thoughtful grunt. His curiosity got the best of him, and he began walking in the direction of the sound, absently picking grass from his apron along the way. Eventually, he stumbled upon a rather peculiar scenario; it seemed a human was lying awkwardly on the ground. The big Boss Monster flinched at the sight of her, then rushed to her side immediately when he realized that she was in pain. "O-Oh goodness..!" he exclaimed worriedly, bending down beside the girl. He looked her over for a moment, deciphering the best way to handle the situation. Humans' bodies were tiny and fragile in comparison to his, so he made sure he was very careful when he slid his large paws under her arms to lift her up. "A-Are you okay, child..?" he murmured. Suddenly realizing how easily he could scare her, what, with his broad shoulders, tall horns, clawed digits, and being a [i]monster[/i], Asgore stiffened. He shrunk into his flowery shirt a bit, not wanting to intimidate the poor girl, and allowed an awkward chuckle to rumble from his throat.