[hider=Fox Blade] [b]Name:[/b] Sota Ito [b]Persona:[/b] Fox Blade [b]Appearance:[/b] Clad in a dapper style of clothes at all time, wearing his cheap knockoff katana with him. Soto refueses to take of his mask, even when mug photos of him not wearing it do exist and have been showed on live news broadcasts.. [IMG]http://pre03.deviantart.net/2ebe/th/pre/f/2014/117/e/9/e9c7ffa4746e65323f84baa402f108b8-d7g7mpc.jpg[/IMG] [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Archetype:[/b] Specialist [b]Power set:[/b] Ninja: Soto was trained among the Tengu Clan to be a ninja. [i]Tengu Style; Swordsman[/i] (II) Sword or no sword, the old training is coming back to Fox-Blade. He swings his blade with a much steadier hand and with far more precision and force. [i]Tengu Style; Quick Stepping[/i] The trademark ability of a Tengu Ninja is to move at sudden, incredible speed. With Sota, he is way to predictable and often appear on the same spot to the right of his targets, slight behind their shoulder [i]Tengu Style; Crow Glid[/i] (I) Fox Blade continued efforts to be a proper ninja, allows him to breifly fly. In the gravity leap that defined ninjas in movies, Fox Blade can glide across crevasses and land perfectly. Origin Story: Born to a normal family, Sota Grew up with a fascination for ninjas. Such was his fascination that he ran away from home and made himself end up in the notorious "Crow Orphanage" where the Tengu Clan was prone to lift kids from to train. He ended up one of the "lucky few" He trained hard and long, spending years as a lowly jounin rank ninja. He watched his older peers go off on glorious adventures. In fact, the turn over and lack of returns would concern any sane employee. They sent ninjas out in bulk to fight heroes such as "Emerald Tiger" and "Crimson Katana" and nobody ever returned but the few "High Level Ninjas" who fought the heroes head on. And those often ended up taking their life out of shame. Or in some cases, turned into cyborgs to go have another, "Last Fight". This didn't concern Soto. He was paid and clothed, fed and given a bed. And he got to learn awesome things. He was a decidedly average ninja. His skill would never net him a higher rank. Then one day. The people hiring stopped hiring ninjas. And the man who financed the whole thing, became bankrupt. And like that, hundred of almost trained ninjas was let go. Luckily, mana like Sota, had been trained at everyday skills to help them infiltrate society. Sota became a accountant. He lived a boring 8 to 10 hours a day job, went out drinking with his corporate, former ninjas, now office worker friends. They all reminicened of the old days. One day, Sota decided he needed to travel. He went to the US, to Mercury City. The city that had cost the most ninjas lives. Here he found heroes and villains galore. And a urge rose within him. He bought a cheap fox mask and a terribly made katana of Ebay and tried to hold up a store. He failed, but actually hurt two officers in the process. So now he has been tapped by the Broker to help a bunch of failed bankrobbers do their next job. And possibly form a crew with them[/hider] [hider=Meteoress] [b]Name:[/b] Lina Rodriquez [b]Persona:[/b] Meteoress [b]Appearance:[/b] Wearing the Meteor Wrestling championship around her waist at all times, this somewhat scrawny girl carry herself as a scrapper and a fighter. Her eyes are always looking for more trouble. Her hair is put up in tight, red ponytail. [IMG]http://pre12.deviantart.net/5c85/th/pre/i/2015/098/6/0/red__the_fighter__backstory_illustration__by_tvonn9-d8p0az2.jpg[/IMG] [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Archetype:[/b] Magical [b]Power set:[/b] Super Lucha; When wearing her stolen championship belt, Linda becomes empowered. [i]Generic Strength (II).[/i] -Meteoress strength has greatly increased from before, enabling her to lift up to half a ton with ease. (1000 pounds). [i]Generic Speed (II).[/i] -The magic of her belt grows increasingly powerful, supercharging her legs. Able to reach the speed of a cheetah, she is well beyond a human. [b]Origin Story:[/b] Born and Raised to a family of legendary Rudos and Technichos (Luchadore terms for Bad and Good guys), Linda has lucha libre in her blood. She is the forth generation in a multi generational championship family. She was by all means meant for greatness. But Linda was a bad apple from the start, she took her place to seriously, she would skip practice and hurt others in the ring on purpose. She would bully others despite their seniority. She got so bad her own brothers and father forbid her to participate in any promotion. As misfortune would have it, Lina decided to steal the old championship belt the family kept since generations back. It was only meant for a purehearted champion to wear. She did not care, she put it on. She was endowed with peak strength and speed as it turned out to be made out of ancient and cursed Aztec Gold. With this power she took to the ring unannounced. There she pummeled one of her brothers before she was stopped by The Pistelero, a famous Mexican superhero. She fled the scene, jumped the border and ended up in mercury city. The Broker thought she'd be excellent choice for dumb muscle. [/hider]