[hider= Thug] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7xrJ6KYMdKQ/T71F5hQW6RI/AAAAAAAAAlc/j28_p6iIprE/s1600/gangster-grip.jpg[/img] Name: Oscar Dickens Persona: Thug Age: 22 Archetype: Enhanced Power set: Resistance: Oscar's body just doesn't get injured like other people's do - a cocktail of reinforced bones, dulled pain receptors and quick-clotting blood means that he can take a licking and keep on kicking. He's not immune to all harm - a few bullets or stab wounds will do for him, as will fire or massive blunt trauma. Strength: Oscar is super-strong, capable of lifting just about twice his body weight with great effort. Origin Story: Once just another hoodlum on the streets of England, Oscar was selected as one of the first members of the notorious and ridiculously-named villain Dr. Ne'erdowell's Enhanced army - in the villain's secret laboratory, he and nine others were injected with a powerful serum of the doctor's own invention that bestowed upon them their superhuman abilities, just as he had promised the array of thugs and criminals that had volunteered. What he hadn't told them about was phase two - implanting a chip in their brains that would enslave them to his will. Fortunately, the laboratory was raided by a local super-team before the doctor could finish, and Oscar was able to escape in the chaos. Immediately, he hopped on a ship to Mercury City, armed with a handgun, some second-rate superpowers, and a determination to make a name in super-criminaldom for himself - and nobody else. [/hider]