[hider= The Gorgon] Name: Madeline “Maddie” Moncroix Persona: Mortella Appearance: [img] http://pre11.deviantart.net/adf3/th/pre/i/2015/116/b/b/medusa_by_ravenmorgoth-d4k9ds7.jpg[/img] Age: 19 Archetype: Alien Power set: Petrifying gaze- A thin-blooded Gorgon, Madeline has the power to stun her enemies, in a much milder version of the stony gaze that Pure blooded Gorgon's are infamous for. Usually this will only last for a few seconds, and for the petrification to last any longer will drain Madeline of her powers for the rest of the day. Snake Hair- Madeline’s writhing mass of sacley tresses have a life of their own, and will defend their mistress to the end. Origin Story: Born on the distant planet of Euraylion, Mortella was raised on the verges of the monstrous Gorgon empire. Beneath the tyrannical rule of Meduliss the terrible, the Gorgon Empire had become a massively advanced dominion, utilizing a dark combination of alchemical magics and twisted technologies. As a thin-blooded gorgon, Mortella was an outcast from the rest of Gorgon society, living amongst a band of outcasts in the harsh wildernesses beyond the walls of Euralion’s great cities. Her upbringing was harsh and unloving, instilling a sense of bleak principles into the young girl, as she grew up knowing nothing but survival. Mortella realized that her people’s constant raids upon the Empire were complete folly. Realising that there was no way Meduliss would ever be dethroned by such a small rabble of rebels, Mortella commandeered a supply shuttle, and ran as far away as she could from the reach of the Gorgon Empire. After spending some time working as a pirate in deep space, her travels eventually took her to Earth. Assuming the identity “Madeline Moncroix”, Mortella is ready to rise to prominence as a supervillian. [/hider]