Tavin let out a disgruntled sigh. [i]Well, best to follow orders and get this over with as soon as possible.[/i] Rising from his seat, the young mech pilot began to make his way out of the briefing room and toward the hangar bay where his robotic war machine rested. He stopped right at the door out of the briefing room though and looked back at the display before it closed. "Be seeing you soon, buddy," he said to the holographic display of his Raptor. Down below, Tavin was now sitting in a nearby chair as he watched the engineers take apart his mech. His expression said it all, he wasn't happy. He didn't like people messing with it, his grandfather and father had made it perfect. All these modifications were just going to mess up his maneuvering if they ended up running into trouble. Out of the corner of his eye, Tavin spotted one of the engineers, a tall blonde woman, who was looking back and forth between his mech and the datapad in her hand. [i]At least the view ain't bad.[/i] Getting up from his chair and approaching her he said, "Hey there, babe. If you're looking for something to fix, I might have something back at room you can take a look at." "Come see me again once you've gotten a few years older, kid. The we can talk," she replied before she walked away. "So you're saying there's a chance?" he yelled back to her over the noise of loud machines. "No!" She screamed back without even turning around to look at him. Tavin shrugged. "Eh, was worth a shot."