[h3]Masahide Saji Warakuma Park 9/13/15 - Afterschool[/h3] As the girl spoke, Masa's gaze shifted over to her form. Seeing the look that had enraged him early no longer present, he felt a little more at ease... Then the realization that he had devulged what he had began to set in. With a slight sneer and a shake of his head, he'd nod as he returned to keeping his gaze locked upon her. He expected to be angered or enraged, but in fact, he felt a subtle relief settle upon him. So much so that he even cracked a minor smirk at her attempt to find another expression to replace the latter. Nodding his head absentmindedly in thought, he slowly slipped into his own thoughts. Perhaps this girl was right? Maybe he was being to hard on himself? Maybe his efforts were getting the better of him? Whatever the case, it definitely caused a moment of pause and reflection... If only for that moment at least. '[i]No. I still have more to give. To quit now would just be resigning to my weakness.[/i]' His eyes flickered away for a moment, '[i]No one will remember the weak and useless.[/i]' His vision returned to Shizuka, grin fading slightly back to his former expression. "[color=0072bc]I don't know.[/color]" He stated, drumming his finger tips against the wooden back of the bench, "[color=0072bc]I don't really have a sweet tooth. Maybe another-[/color]" At this moment, an audible buzz could be heard from the boys pocket. Sighing slightly at the inopportune message, he retrieved his phone and flipped it open. Assuredly, it was going to be a local shop-keep, or possibly his mother asking when he'll be home. [i]Hey.[/i] Masa sat there slightly stunned. After days of nothing but silence and the cold shoulder, Yamato had finally gotten back to his cousin. Unsure of what to do, Masa flipped the phone closed as he continued to stare forward into the scenery of the park. His expression bore confusion thinly veiled confusion, and even more obvious joy. Glancing back to Shizuka, he'd raise from the bench, "[color=0072bc]Sure. Why the hell not?[/color]"