[center][h2][color=92278f]Vanth, Archon of Lightning[/color][/h2][/center] [color=92278f][b]Now [i]this[/i] is a party![/b][/color] [i]Son of a bitch![/i] Traversing into this realm felt like he was being thrashed by several city guardsmen during an unexpected brawl back home. Looks like he wasn’t the only one that had that experience with rift walking for the first time. Fortunately, he knew how to deal with the pain of being beat up. Before he started stretching though, another Archon walked out and started a what was essentially a soliloquy… Immediately after Ian’s introduction, Virgo began chittering excitedly into his ear about the other Archons and their adventures. Instead of listening and taking note of all that he was explaining, Vanth took a few steps back and leaned up against one of the walls away from the group, his face emotionless, to watch how the other Archons interacted. Each one of these chosen individuals definitely brought something to the table… temple. His instincts took over as he took note of each character’s reaction, trying to size them up, while trying to categorize them into different groups. For example, Vanth planned on steering clear of that Maddie chick for the time being since she seemed like trouble after an outburst like that. This Ian guy seemed promising, at least he was seeing this turn of events as a kind of glass-half-full. The pale dude off to the side seemed to be what most were awkwardly staring at. By now Vanth felt well enough to expend energy to interact with some of his fellow magical gir- pals.