[center][h2][b][color=a0410d]Kristof Brandt[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [hr][hr] ". . . Just a little further mister Strongman!" A young child, clad in rags indicative of her impoverished life, clung a soft grip around the gigantic in comparison hand of a much larger man who hurried along swiftly to keep up with the child's skipping pace. [b][color=a0410d]"What is it Susie? What is the dilemma now"[/color][/b] The man bellowed, the words escaping his dry parted lips, calling towards the girl as she rushed him along with an unshakable will. "No time to explain!" The child called back in a quick response as the pair ducked through the dank back alleys of E-District. All along the way, multiple scrupulous individuals broke the first impression of their dingy appearance and amaibly greeted the hurrying man, to which he would hastily respond calling each passing soul by name as if he had known them all deeply. At last the two reach a Cul-de-sac-like clearing and the young girl skids to a halt, nearly sending the bulky man headfirst into a great wall of bark. "Whiskers is stuck in a tree again!" she pouted and crossed her arms as if totally defeated. Adjusting his suspenders, the elder man gazed about and finally spoke, his words addled by the thick Germanic accent he held, [b][color=a0410d]"Which tree then? It is this one, no?"[/color][/b] The heavily-muscled man meandered towards a modest plant, thickly obscured by its own foliage to which he began shaking gently, leaves drifting downwards from its plume. "That one!" The girl excitedly called out, following her puny finger, the strongman's squinted eyes gazed upwards from the base of the mightiest oak in the world, reaching up and tearing a hole through the drifting clouds in the sky. [b][color=a0410d]"Ahh, that tree."[/color][/b] He spoke with a hint of meekness resonating within his voice. Casually finding his way toward the base of the oaken pillar, with a twirl of his thick mustache and a wish of luck from the child he outstretched his mighty arms and gripped the obstacle before him. With stupendous form his callused hands embedded themselves into the tree's bark. The powerful arms bulged and threatened to tear at the threads of his rolled up sleeves as he began his vigor filled ascent into the heavens. Only one thought passed through his mind as he focused all of his power on moving upwards, if only for the sake of a young girl and her pet, [i]I really regret planting this super tree.[/i] Eventually the mustachioed man broke through the smog adrift E-District's skys and lifted himself onto a mighty limb of the gargantuan oak, taking a short rest as the distant sounds of splitting earth piqued his ears. Nevertheless, he continued his climb, the pure grandeur of him manliness splaying about, such a sight to see. At some point he began calling out for this pet, bellowing for Whiskers all the while until suddenly a great squeal pierced his mind. His right hand gripped tightly around what he assumed was a branch, and yet fluffy and covered in fur. It nearly shook the muscled man from his climb, and yet he still struck another mighty hand through the bark to keep himself stable as an intrigued head popped out from a small hollow in the massive tree. A squirrel of some sort, fuzzy and brown, yet as plump as a super-melon, its beady black eyes listlessly peered at the man as he hung from the grand oak, numerous stories high with thin air to whisk about him. A small pink collar with a small crest and a poorly etched, "Whiskers" with the 'r' backwards, wrapped its way around the creature's neck, luckily it did not fear the invading large man, instead scampering along his mighty arm and perching its heavy body upon his shiny dome. The man smiled warmly and chuckled, [b][color=a0410d]"Let us get you home mister squirrel."[/color][/b] And with that, the strongman began his cautious descent towards Earth. After what seemed like ages of mild one-sided small talk with a thick squirrel, the strongman's arms had begun to ache slightly as his brown boots at last touched upon the ground, wobbly at first as it had been seemingly hours before that had felt solid land. The first sight his ancient eyes adjusted to was the face of a pouting young girl, being dragged along by a darker skinned woman, "It isn't safe here! You have to leave!" She exclaimed, clearly in some sort of terror. [b][color=a0410d]"What is the problem?"[/color][/b] The thickly muscled man spoke, his words enveloped by the thick Germanic accent he bore, as the plump creature atop his head hurried towards its owner who squealed in delight. "There's some crazy stuff going on at the border of E-District Mister Brandt! You better get down there and see if anyone needs help!" The woman spouted, her word full of relief to lend responsibility to their locally known man of heroism. With a simple nod and flick of the mustache, the man bounded off with a certain determination towards the direction of chaos, before turning towards the young girl and remarking, [b][color=a0410d]"Now, run home little one, don't let go of Whiskers again, you know he is frightened of heights."[/color][/b] With a smile he was off, unlikely to arrive in any expedient frame of time.