Maxim stood below the Kazak and watched as the mechanics fumbled blindly with the unfamiliar machine and parts. "Sir?" One of the mechanics walked up to him, a young man around 20 years old, peachfuzz on his lip and a gap in his teeth. "Sir, we aren't completely sure whether your machine is compatible with any of the armaments we have developed, all we can give you is the weapons and additional arms you came aboard with." It was understandable, one of the underlying weaknesses of the Kazak was how specific it had been built and how it had never been compatible with weapons developed outside of Wolf Labs. "It is fine, there are weapons I brought with me for this type of mission." He picked up a datapad and with a few swipes of his fingers had found his equipment and had rigged it on a 3D hologram of the Kazak. He handed the datapad to the young man, "There, just add these things located in this storehouse and that will suffice. What was your name?" "Private Jay, sir" He gave a stiff salute. "Hmm good, get the equipment ready on the double" The young man hurried off to begin assembling the loadout. Maxim stared at the Kazak in deep thought for a few moments before turning to watch the other mechs in the hangar receive their maintenance.