"Congratulations." Rachel replied sarcastically, waving her hands about for effect. "You want a medal?" At that moment, they were al transported to the rooftop facing their target location and Rachel used it as an excuse to stop talking to Sayaka, She scanned the area for a good vantage point that gave her a wide field of fire over the robbers, "I'll take the northern sector." With that, she revved up her bike and floored the accelerator, jumping from roof to roof with on her ride until she arrived at her desired spot. Parking her bike, she left the roof top and used one of the top floor windows to set up instead. No point leaving herself more vulnerable than necessary. Shadow set up her rifle and made sure she had a good view of the rooftop and top levels of the building. "Shadow in position." She spoke through the comms, doing it more for formality than anything. Loading her first trick bullet into her rifle, she aimed for the rooftop access door and fired, locking it in place with an adhesive gel over the frame. That would keep the robbers from escape via the roof for the most part. "Rooftop door locked down."