[center][i]Shiver my timbers, shiver my soul, Yo ho, heave ho![/i][/center] In the folds of existence widdershins of realspace, there lies [b]Dimension W[/b]. Past the x-axis, under the y-axis and just a bit behind the z-axis, there lies [b]Dimension W[/b]. Infinitely wide and infinitely thin, [b]Dimension W[/b] is as comprehensible to the human mind as the smell of left or the sound of dog's knees. [center][i]There are men whose hearts are as black as coal, Yo ho, heave ho![/i][/center] Sailing like a cinderblock doesn't, [i]The Albatross[/i] cut through seas of dark matter and quantum foam. Above and below the attentions of the googols of life forms technically right there alongside it, [i]The Albatross[/i] was unnoticeable to all but those who were already on it. [center][i]And they sailed their ship across the ocean blue, A blood-thirsty captain and a cutthroat crew.[/i][/center] A pair of heavy boots, their owner heavy and terrible, sent a mighty, ringing [b]stomp[/b] across [i]The Albatross'[/i] barracks. Twisted forms and hideous faces frantically scrambled out of their respective beds and stood to attention. [color=indianred][b]"WAKE UP, YE STINKIN' WHARF RATS!"[/b][/color] cried Captain Pierrot, his voice crackling with the ravages of whiskey and tinged with impatience. [color=indianred][b]"WE BE HEADED WORLDSIDE IN FIVE MINUTES! READY YERSELVES FER BRIEFIN'... AND MAKE YERSELF PRESENTABLE! WE'RE DOIN' [I]THE WHEEL[/I]!"[/b][/color] A resounding cheer sounded across the barracks, and Pierrot grinned sinisterly as he stomped back up to the top decks. [center][i]It's as dark a tale as was ever told, Of the lust for treasure and the love of gold.[/i][/center] A sizable mob of humans, humanoids, and inhumans shifted impatiently on the wet, salty wood of [i]The Albatross'[/i] deck. Atop the fo'c'sle, Captain Pierrot and his most trusted Mates looked down on the assorted Lubbers and Mates below. With a lilting, cheery tone, Pierrot addressed his troops. [color=indianred][b]"We got conf'mation of a piece o' t'Black Map down on Earth, one of me old stomping grounds! T'piece 'as shown up in a crummy little city t'locals call [i]Megatropolis![/i] Arr... t'place we're takin' it from ain't much defended, as'd be to me likin', but that be a [i]valuable lesson[/i] t'teach these planet-huggin' simpletons!"[/b][/color] Pierrot whirled around to face a gaunt-looking skeleton of a man. [b][color=indianred]"SKIPPER,"[/color][/b] Pierrot barked. [color=indianred][b]"BRING US ROUND T'FACE BROADSIDE! SOON AS WE LEAVE BLACKSPACE, I WANT A HOLE BLASTED IN OUR TARGET!"[/b][/color] [center][i]Shiver my timbers, shiver my sides, Yo ho, heave ho![/i][/center] In the center of A-District, [i]The Albatross[/i] materialized out of thin air. The ship's starboard cannon ports flared up in a gorgeous flash of fluorescent light, reducing a sizable portion of the Kazuma Building's fifth floor exterior to radioactive steam. Before the light had even faded from the cannons, they fired another round, sending a hail of man-shaped figures into the wreckage. As the last of the figures screeched to a halt, they unfolded. Clad in a crude black uniform and wearing a facsimile of a black bandana, six faceless Lubbers stood ready for battle. Roaring triumphantly, Pierrot hurled his cutlass overboard, and called to his men. [b][color=indianred]"SPIN T'WHEEL! WHOSOEVER GETS PICKED GETS THEIR JOLLIES ALONGSIDE ME AN' T"LUBBERS!"[/color][/b] As the cutlass dug into the burnt floor of the Kazuma Building, Pierrot appeared alongside it. [color=indianred][b]"THEM'S THAT DIES BE THE LUCKY ONES,"[/b][/color] Pierrot called out. [color=indianred][b]"AND THAR BE PLENTY LUCK GOIN' ROUND TODAY!!!"[/b][/color] [center][i]There are hungers strong as the wind and tides, Yo ho, heave ho![/i][/center]