[color=peachpuff][center][h2]Domino[/h2][/center][/color] [color=peachpuff][i][b]"AHHHH YEAH!!!"[/b][/i][/color] A figure rocked out from behind a large console. That figure was [color=peachpuff][b][u]DJ DOMINO[/u][/b][/color], and she was in the middle of slaying the turntable as she threw down epic tunes for the club-goers of A-District to [s]grind[/s] dance to. It was a Trance Marathon, and DJ DOMINO (also known by her real and singer name, Mai) was loving it. Truth be told, nobody could hear her exclamation because of how loud the music was, but that's how she liked it. It was going great, until the ground suddenly shook. [color=peachpuff]"Aww, come on!"[/color] she yelled as everyone in the club ran out of it. It looked like the game was up and she was going to have to check it out. As she shut off the console and went outside, she was just in time to hear the mayor's announcement. [color=peachpuff]"Looks like [i][b]HEROINE DOMINO[/b][/i] is on the case!"[/color] she exclaimed out loud as she ran to her [url=http://www.newcarsreleasedate2016.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/2015-Lexus-LF-LC-Price-Image.jpg]sports car[/url] parked in front of the club. As she got in and started the engine, the car's AI came to life. [color=gray]"Hello Mai, where would you like to-"[/color] [color=peachpuff]"We've got [i][b]hero[/b][/i] duty today!"[/color] interrupted Mai. [color=peachpuff]"To the pile of bones! I'll drive - just don't let me get lost!"[/color] And with that, she dumped the E-brake and roared off in a cloud of tire smoke. Mai weaved in and out of traffic, drifting around corners and generally going as fast as it was possible to go. Duty called, after all, and Mai wasn't about to let all the other heroes have the fun. She tried to think of who might beat her there...it wouldn't be hard, seeing as she had to come from A-District. Still, she made short work of the journey and saw only a handful of heroes already there when she skidded to a stop in a glorious handbrake turn next to the bone pile. Getting out, she surveyed the scene and walked over to the small clump of heroes standing close to the pile. [color=peachpuff]"Ahhh, I haven't seen some of you in a while!"[/color] she chirped with a smile. Her "Super Eurobeat" T-shirt and knee-length skirt didn't draw too much attention to her hero status, but she was known as far more than just a discohead. [color=peachpuff]"Anyone got any ideas?"[/color] she said, and at that moment as if on cue a psychic E-mail from a familiar address entered her mind. She mentally decided to respond to it later. Mai absentmindedly looked back towards A-District, and saw something she [i]really[/i] didn't expect to see: a pirate ship on top of a quite destroyed Kazuma Building. The magical girl threw up her hands in annoyance. [color=peachpuff]"Oh come on, I just [i]came[/i] from there!"[/color] she exclaimed. Looking back towards the group of heroes in front of her, she continued, [color=peachpuff]"So uh...I know this pile of bones is interesting and all, but does anybody want to come help me deal with the pirates wrecking A-District? My car seats four!"[/color]