Professor Neuro toyed with a scalpel as he watched the announcement. He sighed as the screen cut to a technical difficulties message and glared at the freshly-painted ceiling of his lab. "Just when I'd finished remodeling, too. I suppose it can't be helped." He glanced at the nearest Neurone and snapped his fingers. The creature, standing at exactly six feet tall and clad in maroon spandex with what appeared to be an outdated gas mask covering the entirety of the head, stood at attention. Neuro pointed to a nearby closet. "My coat, if you would be so kind." Standing, Neuro snatched the freshly-retrieved labcoat from his minion, shrugging it on as he strolled towards an access lift. Twenty or so Neurones fell into step behind him, prepared to serve their master come hell or high water. After his minions had entered the lift, Neuro turned to face them. "Now then, since our heroes are, at the moment, preoccupied, I propose we all take this time to gather some raw materials. Any objections?" [color=f6989d]"EEE!"[/color] "Excellent." Neuro flipped a series of levers on a nearby control panel, and the lift began to ascend. "To the orphanage, then."