Ian watched the interaction between all of the archons, unaware of when to step in to the conversation. Before knew what was going on it seemed that the girl with the black hair had flipped out on him, while some of the others had retaliated and the rest had ignored her. He gave a nod and a friendly smile to those that left to explore the temple. He turned back to Maddie with a concerned look on his face "Listen.. I'm not any more sure of whats going on here than you are.. I just happened to get here first. I wasn't volunteering as leader.. I was just trying to welcome you all and tell you guys about the awesome stuff I found in the temple" He said, pointing back over his shoulder at one of the corridors that lead deeper into the temple. While Ian was waiting for the other archons to arrive he had spent his time exploring and talking to lupus about the history of the temple and the many rooms and living areas of the temple. Most of the actually accommodations were deeper underground with only this main room being an important part of the first floor. The rest of the temple was rift locked, a kind of barrier set up by the first archons to stop rifting in or out of the temple except through this central room. "I know this is all very confusing and I'm right there with you, completely in the dark. My first suggestion would be for us all to claim a room in the lower reaches of the temple to get settled in and then we can sit and have a talk about what exactly is going on here" He told them all, trying to keep some semblance of order in the group [color=662d91]"The living quarters are designed to adapt to a person's mind, changing the space to better suit the host that inhabits it. Tell them to imagine the room they want when the step inside and let the temple do the rest"[/color] "Lupus says that if you imagine your room before you enter one of the empty rooms downstairs, the room will adapt to your vision of how you believe it should be. I'm going to find one now. I guess we can meet back here once everyone has claimed a room. If you guys see the archons that went exploring, let them know about the rooms and the meeting please. I want to learn about all this just as much as you all do" Ian said, putting an end to the conversation. He headed off through one of the corridors in search of his own room, figuring if Maddie still had a bone to pick she could follow him and they could discuss it somewhere that wouldn't cause unrest among the others