Picture: [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/1290/f/2013/145/2/9/togruta_by_kokomiko-d66hk47.jpg[/img]
Physical Description: Zeshla is about average for a Togruta female, though she is a bit smaller. She stands around 1.5 meters (5ft) tall and has a slim physique. Her montrals(horns) let her detect spacial proximity of things around her.
Name: Zeshla Kyr
Age: 25
Gender: female
Race/Species: Togruta
Occupation: Sith assassin, but more dark Jedi.
Faction: partially Sith but she also does her own work.

Weapons (if any): Dual lightsabers. One yellow, one red. Her yellow lightsaber is a remnant of her Jedi days and posses a natural crystal while her red contains a synthetic.
Equipment: She carries a simple comlink for communication. Nothing much else.
Clothing: Minimal to allow easier movement. She wears a simple wrapped top (Like picture) and simple pants with the Togruta sash. She wears no shoes to better connect herself with the world. She also wears a black cloak.
Personal Ship: 

The force increases Zeshla's natural ultrasonic abilities to increase the distance of her detection. Zeshla has also spent years refining her force cloaking abilities to better suit what she does.
Combat: Zeshla uses the Vaapad form: the form of fast attacks, so fast, some can't tell how many sabers a person really using. (This is Mace Windu's form btw).

Personality: Zeshla is unlike most Togruta: she prefers to be alone. She finds others to be a hindrance to her goals. She is not quite as mean and sinister like other Sith, as she is actually closer to the grey than the true dark side. She believes that there are times of kindness and times of cruelness. Zeshla prefers to find fun in her work and likes to find creative ways to do things. She uses her hunter instincts to find and hunt her victims much like the old ways of the Togruta. 
Religion: She believes deeply in the Force.
History: At a young age, Zeshla was taken from her family to be raised to become a Jedi. She was found to be strong with the force and she was taken from Shili to Coruscant. She was trained in her clan, passing all of her trials and gaining her crystal from The Gathering. Zeshra was then trained as a padawan to be a Jedi Sentinel, more specifically to become a Jedi Shadow and take out people who dealt with the dark side. The dark side often tempted the young Zeshra and in secret, she began to teach herself more about the dark side. Zeshra and her master were soon sent out to the outer rim to hunt down a group of sith acolytes. During this hunt, Zeshra killed her master and set off to join the acolytes and soon later, go to Korriban. There she learned the secrets of the Dark side, but she never truly lost her ties to the Light. 
Now, Zeshra is often seen taking bounty hunting jobs or being sent out to hunt Jedi for the Sith.
Family: She had a mother and Father back on Shili, but she doesn't know them very well.