[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/302msPZ.png[/img][/center] Another day in E-District. Petty crime filled the streets, and on vigilant duty to keep it in check was the one and only Collider. A weapon at the hip and a look of determination in the eyes accompanied her visage as she made her way around the streets of E-District, looking around for any signs of trouble. Most days, there was plenty of trouble to stop around here. Lately, one particular band of thugs had been a real thorn in her side, and she made a point of being a thorn in theirs in return. Whether they were mugging a helpless citizen, holding up a convenience store, or worse, Nadia was there at every opportunity she had to stop them. They'd been very quiet these last couple days. That bothered her a bit... It was as she was walking across the street that she heard it. A rumbling sound from the earth, a shaking beneath her feet, and the engine of a very large vehicle. One of these things was not like the rest. Looking toward the engine sound, Nadia saw a large semi truck speeding in her direction. Too late to get out of the way, one thought crossed her mind. [i][color=gold]So this is what they were up to.[/color][/i] Switching on her powers just as the truck got within range that she could smell the engine, Nadia took the impact, sending her reeling at least four blocks down the street. It may have knocked her a long way, but she was uninjured. A few seconds later, as she lay still in the street, she heard the truck come to a stop near her, and the doors open and close. There were two voices this time. "That [i]had[/i] to kill her!" "No way cuz, we're dealing with Collider man. We gotta lock her up somewhere, man." "Put her in the truck and let's go!" [b][i]"Attention all civilians. Please go to the nearest shelter. Attention all heroes. Please head to the border of D, B, and E-Districts and head towards the, uh, giant mound of bones. The threat level is: Big-Big City Threat. Man, we really need to actually name them."[/i][/b] That was not one of the gang members. That was the news. Trouble at the border of E-District, was it? That was Nadia's cue to action. Getting up and looking at the two men that had so kindly run her over with a semi truck, Nadia said [color=gold]"No, I'm not dead, yes you'd have to lock me up somewhere, and sorry, but I have bigger fish to fry than some street goons right now."[/color] With that, she ran to the truck, jumped up onto the hood, and activated her powers once more, leaping off the hood of the truck with all her might to land on a nearby rooftop. This hero was on the job once again. It was as she leapt from rooftop to rooftop that she saw someone else. Another hero she'd recognize easily. Anyone who had seen him probably would. He had a very distinct appearance, after all, and was a pretty big guy to boot. Kristof Brandt, otherwise known as Strongman. He was strong, but not very fast. Nadia, on the other hand, could go really fast. She had an idea. Leaping down and landing not far to the man's side, Nadia went straight to the point with [color=gold]"If you're heading for that mound of bones, I can give you a lift. Not for long, but it should get you pretty far."[/color] [@Unraveller]