There are too many items at most vendors to make a price list, but for the shooting range there aren't that many things, so I'll list them. Name: (requirements)(benefits/drawbacks)(damage)(cost) Hunting Bow: (STR 2)(none)(2d6)(200) War bow: (STR 3)(none)(3d6)(500) Steel War Bow: (STR 4)(none)(4d6)(1000) Steel Crossbow: (STR 4)(slow to use/reload)(5d6)(2000) Arrows: (none)(none)(no bonus)(20 per arrow) Barbed Arrow: (none)(+1d6 damage)(30 per arrow) Bolts: (none)(none)(no bonus)(20 per bolt) Pistols: (STR 3)(none)(2d6)(1000) Blunderbuss: (STR 5)(-2d6 to aim)(4d6)(3000) Musket: (STR 4)(none)(3d6)(2000) Rifle: (STR 4)(+1d6 to aim)(3d6)(3000) Pistol charge: ()()()(50) Rifle/Musket charge: ()()()(100) Blunderbuss charge: ()()()(300)