"Ugh. Snakes. Of all the clichéd critters... why couldn't it be scorpions, or crabs, or [i]something[/i] that's actually original??" Danielle drew her rapier, which caught fire the second she drew it. No, caught fire was the wrong term; it became solid flame, from hilt to point. She pointed the blade at the snakemen, then turned to the other hero. "Looks like our little evil wizard just rolled out the welcome mat, so it would be rude to refuse his invitation. I'll take the left, you take the right. Oh, and [i]do[/i] try to keep up." A brief leap into the air and a few flaps of her wings, and Danielle descended on the snakemen's right flank, with a devilish grin on her face. She loved protecting her city, and if these scaly freaks were going to make it a challenge, why so much the better.