[h3]One Terrible Morning…[/h3] In the B-District of Megatropolis, Larson General Motors was in a bit of an uproar today, no doubt because of the earthquake that rudely jolted them all awake. As much as they would have loved to get a few more winks, something like that is just not something you go back to sleep from, and they all scrambled to make sure everything was alright. By the time they managed to get themselves dressed properly, the announcement was going off and all eyes were on the first son of the family, who was less than enthusiastic about the whole thing. [color=ed1c24]“Do I reeeeeeally gotta go fight [i]bones[/i]?"[/color] he whined, [color=ed1c24]"I mean, bones are hardly scary, and they did call for [i]all[/i] the heroes to go for it, so in a huge crowd like that I’m not gonna stand out at all— [i]BWAGH!”[/i][/color] Victor’s “get out of work” excuse was promptly cut off by his irate sister kicking him out the door. He stumbled out and looked back inside with a groan and complained, [color=ed1c24]“C’mon Charlotte it’s way too early in the morning to fight giant monsters…”[/color] None of this seemed to breach the serious-faced, arm crossed young lady standing in the doorway. “It’s too early to go to an evacuation shelter too, but [i]look[/i] at what we’re doing now!” she threw her hands in the air, exasperated, to drive her point home, and then folded them again. “You’re the one who wanted to be the hero, Vic, are you even taking this seriously?” Her expression softened a bit as she spoke, apparently meaning it as an actual question instead of simply being annoyed at his less than heroic attitude. Apparently her question hit a little too hard at home for him, shifting his expression from “pathetic” to “slightly offended.” Taking her words to heart, Victor simply stood up straight with a sigh, his hands finding his way to his belt whereupon he pressed all four of the buttons at once. The lights on his bracelets blinked on and the young man turned to his sister with a renewed smirk of confidence. [color=ed1c24]“Please, of course I’m serious,”[/color] he held his right arm out diagonally in front of him while the other rested bent up a little at his side, [color=ed1c24]“Like I said, I just don’t like sharing the stage if [i]I’m[/i] not the lead role. But if you insist…”[/color] His arm shifted its way across as he spoke, and following that he thrust his right arm up and across to complete the pose. [b][color=ed1c24][i]“Henshin!”[/i][/color][/b] The light on his belt flashed on and his suit quickly phased in over him, transforming him into [b][color=ed1c24]Common Rider[/color] [color=fff200]V[/color][/b]. Immediately after doing so, he headed for his bike and started it up. Apparently satisfied with his brother’s change of heart, Charlotte gave him some words of encouragement as he sped off towards the border. As the mountain of bones and walking snake skeletons (sneletons?) eventually became visible, a sense of relief washed over him. [color=ed1c24]“Oh thank god, it really is just bones.”[/color] he thought aloud, [color=ed1c24]“...Can't [i]just[/i] be bones, though, right? They're probably weak, but we can spend all day fighting them...”[/color] And just as that thought occurred to him, Taiichi's magic email popped into his head. May as well give it mind read, he figured. …From what he could tell, it was talking about working together to form a plan. As much as Victor loathed the concept of losing potential headline status, he wasn’t so stubborn as to deny that there was simply too many sneletons to handle on his own. Plus, somebody had to be controlling them all somehow. If they could crack the earth and move a literal mountain of skeletons into action, Victor feared he wouldn’t be able to take them for long in a fight. Succumbing to the logic of the situation, Victor dialed in to the Master of Business Administration. [@tanderbolt]