Smoldering plaster and disintegrated upholstery hung in the air like confetti at an extremely poorly-planned funeral. Johnathan Pierrot casually ambled across the glowing cinders of the stricken office building, filled with purpose. With immense care, he delicately plucked a miraculously intact stapler from the wreckage of a desk, and held it up to the light. The stapler glinted strangely, like a piece of polished glass in a pool of murky water. Grinning widely, Pierrot placed the stapler in his pocket. [b][color=indianred]"YAR HAR, LADS!"[/color][/b] Cap'n Pierrot cried. [b][color=indianred]"WE GOT OUR FIRST TREASURE!"[/color][/b] Cries went up across [i]The Albatross'[/i] top deck, and were answered with a chorus of pirate munitions being fired into the air. [center][h1]1 of 5 Pieces of the Black Map collected.[/h1][/center] Cap'n Pierrot materialized back on deck in a flash of fluorescent light. He showed the stapler to the crowd of pirates triumphantly, eliciting another round of applause. [b][color=indianred]"We're off to a great start, me boys! The day them land-huggin' savages'll regret ever sealin' Cap'm Flint away is almost here! In just a few sweeps o' the pendulum, we'll be free t'savage the land-lubbers as much we please! Yarr harr harr harr harr!"[/color][/b] Pierrot whirled to face his faithful Skipper, greed burning in his eyes. [b][color=indianred]"Skipper! Where be our next o'jective?"[/color][/b] The Skipper merely glanced at his wheel-shaped console, and returned with a definite answer. [color=lightblue][i]"Navigator's pointin' us due souf, Cap'm! Der Jee Pee Ess says dat's roight where da yoomens made a [b]whorehouse[/b]! Floogle says it's der 'Akiyama Hostess Club'! Yer gonna be lookin' fer a bottle'a Platinumschlager!"[/i][/color] There was an excited whisper among the gathered mates. Though very few of them had sexual features at all and an even fewer portion of [i]those[/i] had a functioning libido, there was always fun to be had at a whorehouse. The future winner of the Wheel Of The Week clenched his fists excitedly. [b][color=indianred]"Yarr, no better place to be than a house o' earthly delights! Set a course for the Akiyama Host Club! We'll take their lager, an' we'll take t'rest o' their booze while we're at it! Cannoneer Rocket, soon as yer finished with t'going-away present we've got for the Kazuma Building, we'll be off! Fire at will!"[/color][/b] A raucous cry went up around the ship. Cannoneer Rocket, a vibrant blue amorphous creature cheerily loaded an enormous cannon with what appeared to be a cartoonishly oversized sword. With a mighty [b]BANG[/b], the enormous cannon fired directly at the Kazuma Building. There was a sudden ghastly noise, and the Kazuma Building was no more. It was by sheer luck that everyone had been safely evacuated and that the building was completely unoccupied for its ultimate destruction. With a noise not unlike the unzipping of someone's fly, [i]The Albatross[/i] disappeared. About a mile down the road, at the Akiyama Hostess Club, it reappeared. Same as before, a squad of Lubbers and Pierrot's cutlass were launched below. Same as before, Pierrot and the Lubbers appeared where they landed, right at the club's doorway. With one thrust of his mighty boot, Pierrot bashed the club's doors in and strode through. [b][color=indianred]"YARRR! THIS BE A MILITARY OPERATION, YE LANDLUBBERS! SURRENDER YER VALUABLES, OR IT'S THE HOLD FER YE!"[/color][/b]