[color=#c2c200] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmJiYjQxYi5UR1YyYVNCTWVXNXUuMA,,/vtks-love-u.regular.png[/img][/color] Interacting with: [@shagranoz] Danielle, [hr][hr] Levi stood there, silently analyzing the situation. Of course he knew normal, mundane cops are trained nor equipped to handle this damned situation. What he was talking about was [i]her[/i] in particular, and how District E is already deteriorated enough that it doesn't need more destruction. Though, Levi knew the merit of working together, and it was true he wasn't well versed in magic, but he knew enough. With a reluctant sigh, he unconsciously accepted the situation and kept his mouth shut. The bone mound was of course pretty odd, while it looked like normal bones, it really wasn't. Levi dropped his groceries at the sidewalk, and began closer inspection. Well, until the bone creatures turned snakemen began rising. Honestly though, they didn't look difficult to defeat at all, but there were a multitude of them. He debated with himself whether to help or not, but with the Dragon's daughter's taunt he had to join, this person severely underestimated his speed. Though, it was odd that this person didn't even know his Moniker, but Levi wasn't one for fame nor prestige so he didn't really care. [color=#c2c200]"What are you after..."[/color] he trailed off to himself, looking at the 'welcome mat.' Levi upholstered his Kukris from his holster that were behind him. Lightning appeared and crackled all around him, his amber eyes glowing a dark shade of yellow. Maybe they could give Levi the warm up round that he needed. He activated 'Thunder's gait' and sped forward, passing by the Crimson Flame. In his stride he stabbed one of them risen snakemen, and the bones fell downwards. He took another step and appeared behind two snakemen, and stabbed them with his lightning-infused Kukris, they again became lifeless bones once again. [b][i][color=#c2c200]Slow, these things are slow.[/color][/i][/b]