I really hope its alright. [hider=Liliam Arcanel] [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/6fcb/f/2012/147/4/5/sith_warrior_by_forlenza80-d5191hr.jpg[/img] [b]Physical Description[/b]: Tall, standing at about 6'2, he is extremely well muscled, just like many other sith. He keeps his face under a hood most of the time, only taking it off when he is fighting something that he considers a challenge. His eyes are a bright red, with his skin being a slightly darker shade of red than the average pureblood. He does not wear the facial jewelery so common with sith. He has spines on the side of his eyes and either side of his chin. [b]Name[/b]: Liliam Arcanel [b]Age[/b]: 19 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race/Species[/b]: Sith Pureblood [b]Occupation[/b]: Sith Warrior [b]Faction[/b]: The Sith. Obviously. Possessions [-] [b]Weapons [/b](if any):Two lightsabers, one being a deep red and one being a dark purple. The hilts of the lightsabers are rather plain, as Liliam has never seen any point in making a hilt look pretty. He only uses one lightsaber at a time unless he is put in a situation that specifically needs two. He is far more skilled with just one. [b]Equipment[/b]: Bacta Packs (quite a lot of these, he believes in being prepared) Field Rations A personal comlink built into the neck of his armour. A belt to keep all these things in [b]Clothing[/b]: Heavy armour styled in red and black, composing of heavy plates over his arms, chest and legs over a black bodyglove. It originally covered his entire body, but he removed parts of it to allow for speed. [hider=Personal Ship] A D-5 Mantis patrol craft, repainted black and red to signify it as a sith ship. [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/e/e3/Hunter_Mantis.png/revision/latest?cb=20150223162822[/img] [/hider] Combat [-] [b]Power/Abilities[/b]: Force Lightning- An offensive attack where he fires lightning at an opponent. He is powerful enough to fire much larger blasts, but prefers to fire many small ones instead in the heat of battle. Force Destruction- Another offensive attack, where he creates an energy field and fires it at an opponent. He rarely uses this, considering how exhausting it is. Force Speed- Again, something he rarely uses unless it is an emergency. He believes that he should rely on his own skills unless absoutely necessary. Force Choke- Choking with the force. Force Healing- He has been trying to learn this, however, he is very bad at it, being more of a light side ability. [b]Combat[/b]: Liliam uses form VII in combat, preferring to cut his opponents to pieces as quickly as possible without giving them a chance to strike back. However, should a opponent be strong enough to challenge him, but not strong enough to pose a serious threat, he is known to switch to form III, to prolong the battle a little longer. He does this simply because he enjoys it. He utilises the force in combat, using attacks such as lightning and force destruction. He prefers to only use the force to give him an advantage in a fight, beleving that a worthy opponent should die from a lightsaber, not a blast of lightning. Personal Info [-] [b]Personality[/b]: Surprisingly for a sith lord, Liliam is a perfectly cheerful and friendly man in person, always remaining polite and kind to even his opponents on the battlefield. Many people who have met him can barely believe that he is a sith, although the armour and lightsaber often give it away. However, he can be incredibly immature at times, considering important missions to be little more than jolly games, snarking at sith lords both older and stronger than him, and interpreting orders in his own way. He does know where to draw the line, although he does come close to crossing it at times. However, when it comes to battle his friendliness drops and he shows a far more vicious side. He loves battle and everything about it, and will pick a fight for the simplest reason if he feels that the opponent is worth fighting. Oddly enough, he does accept yields, although he considers them to be beneath contempt. He generally shows more respect to his opponents than he does any other sith. It is his lifelong ambition to kill a jedi master, and often irritates any other sith who has killed a jedi with questions on what the battle was like, even if said jedi WASNT a master. He cares little for sith politics, but knows enough about them that he knows how not to be used. He is a lot more intelligent than he acts, but dousnt really care what his normal personality makes him seem like. Although hes a deadly fighter, his lust for battle can cause him to make mistakes, plus, his armor isnt all encompassing. [b]Religion[/b]: Nothing really. [b]History[/b]: Born on Korriban to a well known sith assassin and his paramour, he was placed in the academy at an early age and excelled in almost every way, proving himself to be one of the deadliest acolytes of his generation. He killed several others on his way to the top of the class, something he secretly feels a little guilty about. When he was 16, he finally got to go up against the republic. He slaughtered an entire squad single handedly, and by the end of the mission, a total of thirty-eight republic troopers were dead at his hands, including their commanding officer. He enjoyed this immensely, and often watches holotapes of the battle in his spare time. SInce then, he has been on several low-key missions, of which he never actually enjoyed. Since then, he has been getting more and more powerful by the day, and in his lust for more power, he has briefly considered practisting the light side in secret. He hasnt been able to though, with only a weak force healing ability to show for his research. [b]Family[/b]: Both his father and mother are still alive on Korriban. He is on relatively good terms with both of them, although he does consider them both incredibly stuck-up and jealous of his abilities. Hes not wrong on the first part. [/hider]