[center][h2]Jadeyan 28th, The Kerawac Gathering[/h2][/center] There was much muttering and rumors as the entirety of the Kvaren watched the Crimson Vines arrive, in very late fashion. Tribes never arrived later than the meeting of the Warlords. It was the quickest way to lose face and become a target from multiple tribes. Yet not a single warlord stepped up to challenge the short redhead covered in Blood Vine Marks. She smirked as they walked along, their caravan being finished off with several slaves being strung along by chains at the back of a wagon. Among them, Halbera and Raffey. As Keelie walked past Ozlo of the Thunderfangs, she left him an idle comment, that he ignored, [color=ed1c24][b]"I hear you got more slaves than me this time, well done. I really thought I was going to take it this time."[/b][/color] She strutted past, the mountain of a man that served as her only Swordmaster staying close by. It was well known that he was brutal in combat, surprisingly fast and sneaky for one his size. It was much less known that he was a Temper user, just as his Warlord was a druid. Several of her Shadewalkers that had arrived before her approached her, quickly updating her with pertinent information. She nodded and the slaves were led to an open area, before she let loose her massive bloodvines. It peeled itself from her skin, growing to a mass several stories tall, wriggling menacingly but not attacking anyone. It was a show of strength on her part, that she could dominate and grow such a dangerous creature. In the swamps to the west, they grew only as big as a bush typically, and were well known to the people. But this, this was a true monstrosity. A large tendril reached out and she stepped upon it, and it lifted her up so all eyes could see her. She then shouted, loud enough so only those that were fairly close could hear, [color=ed1c24][b]"You all disgust me. My Shadewalkers tell me that people out west killed some of the Kvaren that weren't pure, proper races. And instead of teaching these people a lesson, you sit here and talk? Celebrate? Cowards. The whole lot of you. Two of these slaves I've captured were already on their way to deal with this problem, and they are fucking squatters."[/b][/color] The Bloodvines bristled in their mistress' anger, swiping close at people, but never grabbing them. [color=ed1c24][b]"I'll be heading west with my people to deal with this. Any who wish to join me are welcome, slave or Kvaren. We leave at sunset."[/b][/color] The vine lowered her down to the chained slaves she hauled in, and she spoke to them alone, [color=ed1c24][b]"You may join me, I cannot promise you will live, but you will be free if you survive. It is your choice."[/b][/color] No one moved at first, before there was a loud, [color=fff200][b]"Fu' ih. Ah'm in."[/b][/color] Raffey stepped forward as far as his chains would allow, and a crimson tendril lashed out. Raffey didn't flinch, staring down Keelie as the vine snapped the chain easily. Raffey moved forward, relieved to have been freed. A handful of others stepped forward, and were subsequently freed, but the majority stayed behind. Keelie nodded at her Shadewalkers, leading the freed slaves to the area that was already being set up for Keelie's people. Keelie sat down on a thick vine, [color=ed1c24][b]"You may eat, love."[/b][/color] There was a shrill sound of glee from the vines, before they began slamming down on the slaves that chose to stay behind, crushing them, pulling them toward a maw at the center of the mass. Blood flowed everywhere, there were screams of fear and pain, the stench of copper in the air, as Keelie just sat there calm as could be. Once the vines had devoured all of the slaves, Keelie pulled them back into her skin, and simple walked away from the carnage, her silent Swordmaster accompanying her. Once she was back amongst her own people, she saw a new face, a half-dragon woman. She smiled briefly at the woman, [color=ed1c24][b]"I understand a few of my tribe have grown rather fond of you, Drachiathoryx Firespinner. You may stay with us as long as you'd like, but we have business out west to attend to. My people tell me you were heading that way as well. Your friends are a part of my scouts, and will be leaving before the rest of the tribe." [/b][/color] As Keelie moved past her, she stopped, looking over her shoulder for a moment, [color=ed1c24][b]"Your coloring is quite lovely, I always fancied red." [/b][/color] The slaves were to accompany the scouting party, that consisted of Kraven, Laurel, Sirik, Hezel, and Shora. All accompanying them were given swift horses and were to leave immediately. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Having collectively given up on rescuing their mates, Megumi and the Aaenshi who'd finally revealed his name as Fleabit, were already heading west, Megumi atop Dibney. The beetle didn't fight the simple commands given to her, still mourning the loss of her master. At midday on the 28th, they finally found their first sign of any civilization. It was a lone tavern, at the beginning of a road. There were several humans and varying elves in grey colored gi or robes at the beginning of the road. From their hiding spot in the tree line, they could see all of them were armed, and all bore a white petaled flower tattoo on their arms. They saw no bestial races amongst them. Fleabit suggested they watch and wait, to gather as much information as they could. After overhearing many snippets of conversation, they'd learn several key things. The first is that those in grey were known as Justicars, and only they bore the flower tattoo. They would gather that these people enjoyed killing bestial or primitive races, and even halfbreeds, believing in purity. Finally, these people seemed to worship something they learned was called Coria. Finally on the morning of the 31st, the aaenshi spoke up, [color=ed1c24][b]"I don't think we'll be able to learn more unless you get in there. You can pass as a human if you try."[/b][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The scouting party arrived at the same tavern on the morning of the 31st as well. After some quick deliberation, the more normal races would be allowed to go in and learn more of these people. The Crocodilian woman, Shora, pulled Drache aside. [color=bc8dbf][b]"I can get us in there..,"[/b][/color] and to prove her point, she glowed with her magic, and where a large crocodile had been, stood a tall, human woman. [color=bc8dbf][b]"Illusionweaving has its uses... I can even keep your hair if you'd like."[/b][/color] Laurel had decided to stay behind to watch their mounts. Upon entering the tavern, it would seem as normal as any other, although not near as busy. There was a stout human working behind the bar. Every time he had to serve a justicar, he looked terribly nervous, but always more relieved when anyone else approached him. In the back corner were a couple of white elf women chatting fervently, a chillborn man sitting alone staring at his mug. There was a set of stairs heading up, opposite the entryway.