Meanwhile, at St. Jude's Home for the Parentally Disadvantaged in C-District, the children were packing their meagre belongings for what looked to be an overnight stay at the emergency shelter under the watchful eye of Sister Rosaline Seaver. A cheerful, rosy-cheeked woman in her early 40's, Seaver had taken over the orphanage when her predecessor had died in a supervillain attack three years prior, and did her level best to care for her charges. It wasn't always easy- the roof was wearing out, the thermostat was on the fritz, and expenses seemed to rise by the month, but somehow things held together. There came a knock at the door. Visitors, during an evacuation? Or perhaps it was someone checking in to make sure they heard the notice? Whoever it was, it wouldn't be polite to keep them waiting. Sister Seaver shuffled to the door, throwing it wide and putting on her best smile. "Terribly sorry, but I'm afraid the children are packing up at the-" Sister Rosalind Seaver collapsed into Professor Neuro's arms. "Worry not, mein leibchen-", the professor said as he he plucked a dart from the woman's neck, passing her off to one of his Neurones, "-Your children will be plenty safe in my lab. Until I've need of them, at least." "Neurones!", the professor barked, "Find and capture all sapient lifeforms within the building and return to me. Sensors detect eleven in total." Their mission clear, the Neurones marched into the building in pairs, cattle prods and tranquilizer guns at ready.