Trix saw the woman in the dirt after taking the kick to the knee, momentarily distracted by the sounds of pain from her. This gave the man long enough to turn toward her, more annoyed at her intervention than concern of her being a threat. She mustered all the strength she could, and swung her stick as hard as she could, trying to hit the man in the head. He caught it easily with a single hand, smiling at her like a wolf would a fallen baby deer. He yanked the stick inward, and in Trix's inexperience she was still maintaining a death grip on it. This pulled her off balance sending her stumbling toward him. He followed this by then punching his fist forward, stick in hand, catching the blonde in the forehead. Her head snapped back from the blow and she found herself landing hard on her back, her world exploding in blinding white pain, moaning. One look at her and the man knew she was done. He threw the stick down atop her and turned back toward the archer. He stopped, seeing the woman had recovered and had an arrow pointed at him. He still smiled though, confident in his ability to defeat two weak women. Trix managed to open her eyes, clutching at the makeshift staff when two grew blurs rushed past. Remilia leapt up, sinking her small teeth into the man's buttock whereas Remus took his post between Trix and the man, snarling loudly. The man howled loudly, and swung the hilt of his knife backward catching Remilia hard on the shoulder, and with a pained squeal, the small pup was knocked away into the dirt, rolling. She got back up with a limp on the damaged leg, when Trix acted. She struck her staff outward, not as blow, but merely to trip the man up, by shoving it between his ankles. He tripped, stumbling toward the archer now, surprise on his face, arms now flailing.