Name: Malachi Myceli Age:16(.5) Gender: Male Appearance: (No accurate pictures) 6ft, medium muscular build, curly brown hair, white skin, human, brown eyes. Wears a black shirt with a green leather jacket and loose blue jeans...socks with sandals... Equipment: WEAPONS- Taur- A very heavy mace that doubles as a remington shotgun (Out of the bottom of the handle). Jars of Dust can be inserted through the top to give additional power. A Staff- A long black staff (⅘ the size of Malachi) that holds several vials of dust. ARMOUR- There is a gauntlet on his left arm that allows his to block attacks from weak aura. His natural resistance to physical attacks allows him to need minimal armour while still being hearty. Semblance: Stand Your Ground- When Malachi is under threat he will gain tremendous reaction speed and strength while standing still. he can also give additional strength to allies within 3 meters. His strength pushes to three times his maximum and reacts twice as fast. This can only be maintained for one minute at a time and and each strike while doing this drains his aura faster. Skills: Momentum strike- Uses the knock back from firing the shotgun to provide additional power on striking. Earthen strength- Is incredibly resilient to most physical attacks, especially blunt weapons. Quake- Hits the ground with such force that it sends a shock wave out in the direction he is facing. Focus- The brief monk training he went through before he was brought to the Academy allows him to focus incredibly hard on one thing. Personality: A stalwart, friendly man who strongly follows his father's teachings about kindness. Malachi is ruthless to grimm but takes issue with harming others, even Faunus. He has had little love in his life. he is honest and straightforward. He takes pride in his accomplishments but brags little. Bio: Malachi was born to farmers in Atlas. He worked on the farm for the first ten years of his life, learning from his father about life and morality. Malachi began training with his father at 11 to defend the farm and eventually become a monk in his father’s belief. His power was discovered at 13 when his farm was attacked during a meditation session. A rouge grimm made it to the house, killing several workers and trapping his family inside. His mother called out as the grimm dragged her out. Malachi’s father told him to defend the house. Malachi grabbed the family sword and went to fight the beast. The fight lasted until Malachi was backed into a barn, with nowhere left to run. Malachi knew he would have to stand his ground. His aura activated and allowed him to slay the beast. Now only his father and were alive, and Atlas soon found out, sending a team to retrieve the boy to fight for them. He built a weapon to suit him, a mace/shotgun, and went onto the real academy.