[center][img]http://pre08.deviantart.net/a847/th/pre/i/2014/253/6/9/anime_girl_render_by_animelover20oo-d7ynopk.png[/img] [color=darkred]Name:[/color] Rosalia Dracul [color=darkred]Age:[/color] 17 [color=darkred]Race/Gender:[/color] Vampire Bat Faunus, Female [color=darkred]Equipment:[/color] At any one time, Rosalia typically carries several small jars of powdered dust in a pouch strapped to her waist at the back. It is used to refill the dust compartment in her weapon if needed. She wears no additional armor over her regular combat attire, as she finds it impairs her movement and is a bit too heavy for her liking. [hider=Weapons] [img]http://pre10.deviantart.net/1fba/th/pre/f/2015/248/6/d/osrs_pf_by_jollyjoseph-d98ig7d.png[/img] [u]Type:[/u] Pride - Armor Piercing Drill Rapier - Melee - Aura Augmented Fall - Dust Charged Parrying Dagger - Melee - Dust Compatible [u]Weapon Derivation[/u]: Pride - Rapier and Drill Fall - Dagger and Revolver [u]Holstered/Sheathed Appearance:[/u] Pride: Full size as shown in image, strapped to her right side. Fall: Full size as shown in image, strapped to her left upper thigh. [u]Form 1: [/u]Pride's first form is simply a Rapier. With the press of a handle, the drill blade activates and begins to rotate at an incredible speed, allowing it to pierce even the toughest metals and rock. It does not take any additional forms. Fall is much the same, a simple dagger until a handle is pressed and the revolving dust chamber fills the blade. Different dusts have different elemental effects when channeled into the dagger. Though it can be used for fighting, Rosalia mostly relies on Fall as a parry weapon or uses it to deliver a quick counter dust attack. Neither weapons have any additional forms. [/hider] [color=darkred]Semblance:[/color] [u]Devourer[/u] - This Semblance allows Rosalia to consume Aura through Aura to Aura contact (whether that be weapon/weapon, weapon/body or body/body), thus adding some of the target's Aura to the Rosalia's own Aura pool. Rate of aura consumption varies depending on how much mental focus is devoted to draining a person's aura, as well as the victim's mental focus at resisting the drain. The rate of consumption will never be zero. If the victim's will is stronger than that of the Rosalia's, it may eventually get to the point where the cost of using the Semblance is greater than the Aura consumed, but some Aura will always be drained. The "Will" of user and victim refers to the mental focus either individual has devoted to draining/resisting the other. Put simply, someone unaware of Rosalia's semblance would not have devoted mental energy towards resisting her efforts and so would only resist on an instinctual or reactive level, resulting in an extremely rapid rate of consumption at first. Someone even roughly aware of her ability, such as someone who has been drained before, would know to resist the drain, resulting in a slower, perhaps even cost ineffective, rate of consumption. As such, when battling another Aura user, it is in Rosalia's best interest to keep the nature of her ability secret. Rosalia is unable to drain the aura of another if she waits too long and her aura becomes too low to activate her semblance properly. [color=darkred]Skills:[/color] [u]General:[/u] Flight - Due to being a bat faunus, Rosalia sports a pair of wings at her back that allows her to fly a short distance above the ground. Her wings are not very strong so they cannot support her for too long, nor can she fly while trying to carry another person or something too heavy. She mainly uses her wings to jump a little higher or dodge attacks faster. Speed/Agility - Rosalia is very light on her feet and is a swift attacker. She often uses quick hit and dodge maneuvers while fighting. This is useful since she is a close ranged fighter. Other Faunus Traits - Slightly enhanced senses, night vision, etc. [u]Derived from Aura/Semblance:[/u] Mirror - Rosalia adds consumed Aura to her own pool, stripping a basic property of the victim's Semblance from the consumed Aura. This skill can only be used once, for when the stolen aura is used up, she cannot mirror the semblance any more. The effectiveness of this skill is dependant on how much of the victim's aura is consumed, and the skill will fail if at least a third is not consumed. In addition to this, she cannot have the aura of another in her body, else they will mix and she will be unable to use this skill. Transfer - Rosalia uses this skill to transfer part of her aura to another person and add to their pool. She can only do this by physical contact. Charge - Rosalia consumes her own Aura (or 'charges' it) for a period of time before expelling it in a dark red, lingering, Aura draining mist. This technique is extremely high energy compared to the previous but provides an effective way to drain the aura of numerous opponents simultaneously (so long as all involved remain within the mist) or force them to back off. Can only be used once. After aura is drained, it all returns to her body to be used in whatever way she sees fit. [color=darkred]Personality:[/color] Upon first impressions, Rosalia comes across as a confident, sultry and flirtatious girl... which is moderately true. She's learned how to use her looks to get what she wants, and even when she's not trying to be flirty, she can come across as such anyway. She's very manipulative and can get upset when she doesn't get what she wants right away. She's quite stubborn and headstrong, passionate and caring, but she is by no means someone who you can open up to freely unless you want to be (lightheartedly) teased. Rosalia is by no means a pain to be around, and she's not evil or mean just for the fun of it. She's nice but has tendencies to be snarky, and will roll her eyes or pinch the bride of her nose when someone says something that gets on her nerves. Despite being a little rough around the edges, Rosalia is the kind of girl who can grow on you and eventually find quite charming. [color=darkred]Short Bio:[/color] Rosalia was born to a wealthy family that was well known for being the rivals of the Schnee Dust Company. Dracul Dust was a modest corporation until the Schnee's took over the industry. Their quick loss of stability within the Dust market was attributed to many things, but mainly that they were known to have supplied Dust to the White Fang for as long as the organization had been around. Due to the Schnee using this against them, Dracul Dust was forced to close down. Some years later, Rosalia's grandfather began to use his skills and knowledge of dust to apply them to weapon forgery, and he was good at it. After employing hard working Faunus to help, the family business began to grow into this different market. The market of military technology. Atlas being well known for their interest in this, the Dracul Weapons Corporation made a fast rise, attaining the same level of power as Schnee Dust. Due to this, the Atlas government quickly funded them and drew them into their inner circle of families bent on advancing the world. Soon, the rivalry between the Schnee family was forgotten, and good business partners arose out of this struggle. Rosalia grew up in a life of luxury, but it came at a cost. Her parents were strict, militant, and cold towards her, having the firm belief that in order to protect the world, weapons must be created to destroy all Grimm and that those weapons should be wielded by only the most capable of fighters. Rosalia was trained rigorously, often compared to the Schnee girls, having to live up to the standards of her parents. Rosalia never disliked her parents for the way they treated her, because she perceived it as normal for a long time. She grew up with no other goal than to become a Huntress and help her parents in pursuing their dream to create a more peaceful world. She was not really book smart, and was always average in her studies, but when it came to fighting, it seemed that Rosalia was a natural at it. The Dracul family business has a main branch in Atlas, as well as smaller branches that hold partnerships with schools across the world of Remnant, supplying weapon materials to all Huntsman academies so that students may forge their own. The Dracul Weapons Corporation's few factories have been going strong for years now, never having been looted because of the little restrictions put on those allowed to purchase from them. It is in Rosalia's near future to inherit the company from her parents, and so she enrolled in Atlas Academy, hoping to grow more as a Huntress and learn more about herself... And what [i]she[/i] really wants. [/center]