[hider= Actus Celondim] Name: Actus Celondim Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/3050/f/2011/016/f/7/f774e411910d616027c10cf5305ebb30-d37czw4.png[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/89/51/e2/8951e2cbb383b245266038758924b759.jpg[/img] (The first image isn't quite right as there should be gauntlets not too dissimilar to these worn over the gloves, just with shorter retractable blades.) [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/3d23/i/2010/253/4/c/bushido_claw_by_raverunner-d2yg1va.jpg[/img] [hr] Equipment: A number of spare claw blades with various dust cores for differing effects in combat. When it comes to armour Actus strikes a balance, he isn't decked down in armour but under his long flowing robe he wears a dull grey cuirass, pauldrons of the same colour as well as vambraces and greaves. He also has a face covering chrome mask that he wears under his hood. The helmet is a single smooth surface and from the outside looks rather innocuous. But is capable of taking quite a serious hit, it also features a HUD link for Actus' scroll that he can use whilst in combat. The Gentlemen: Actus carries a short-mid length sword that slots inside of his cane. The blade is designed to dissipate the effect of dust or aura based attacks making it an excellent blocking weapon, but limiting it's offensive options compared to more exotic weapons. Corvus: These are two matched gauntlets with blades that extend from over the knuckle 2ft. There are four blades on each gauntlet each infused with a dust core for differing effect, Actus can fight with these brutal claws in melee or he can fire the various blades as lethal projectiles over great differences. Replacing the claws is as simple as taking one from the sheaths attached to his legs and snapping the new blade in place. Each gauntlet also incorporates a single grappler mounted at the wrist that Actus can use to help him traverse vertical terrain. Not strictly a weapon in and of themselves, Actus can throw the claw blades used by his gauntlets as throwing daggers if need be. They'd have the same effect as being fired from his gauntlets but have less kinetic energy behind them. Semblance, Flicker: Whilst not able to turn fully invisible using his semblance Actus becomes almost undetectable impossible to see or hear. He can maintain this ability for long periods of time, however as soon as he attacks the effect is lost. (For those familiar with Doctor Who, it's basically a stronger version of a perception filter. For those of you who aren't familiar with Doctor Who: [url]http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Perception_filter[/url]) [hr] Skills: Master of Daggers: If its short and its got a blade then Actus is all over it. A master when it comes to short close combat weapons he is a fast yet powerful melee combatant. He's also lethal when it comes to the use of short ranged projectiles. Agile Brute: Whilst not as fast as some, or as hardy as others Actus is a good balance of the two. He can move quickly and deftly able to trade blows with nimble opponents well enough, but at the same time he can take a hit and give one back twice as hard. Tech-Nut: Actus loves to take things apart to see how they work, be that programs or machines. Seriously don't leave this guy alone with your tech if you want it to stay in one pieceā€¦ [hr] Personality: Actus is very withdrawn by nature, his semblance and hobbies predisposing him to work alone and spending time by himself. That's not to say he can't work with other people, but you'd be much more likely to find him secreted away somewhere working on a new gadget instead of hanging out with everyone at lunch. Despite this however if you do take the time to get to know him then you'll find you've a very loyal friend indeed. Say the word and Actus will be more than willing to put his neck on the line for his friends. Evasive, introverted, eloquent and most certainly eccentric Actus is hard to get to know, but a pleasure to have around once you do. [hr] Short Bio: Actus had a rather typical upbringing for an Atlas kid. He grew up in a small cold village mainly with his Mother and older sister. Actus didn't see much of his father growing up, his father being a Specialist for the Atlesian military. Despite this however, both Actus and his older sister Jessica wanted to become Specialists like their father (much to their mothers chagrin). When he was home Mr Celondim taught his kids how to fight, how to work with technology, how to go unnoticed. But more importantly he taught them when to use their gifts, what for. Above all else he imbued his children with an honourable and disciplined approach to life. When their father was away the two would often spar with one another, or create gadgets and very, very simple robots. They were contented, eventually Jessica left home and went to study at Atlas Academy's Junior section. Around the same time Actus was joining the Junior Section himself, Jessica completed her training at the Atlas Academy Senior Section and became an Atlas specialist like her father. Now that he is to start his training at the Senior Section of Atlas Academy, Actus is hoping to do his family proud. More than anything he wants to live up to his family name and the high expectations that come with it. [/hider]