[color=silver][b]Name:[/b][/color] Brenin Lloyd [color=silver][b]Age:[/b][/color] 17 [color=silver][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=silver][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [center][img]http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee222/Bella_vampire17/Anime/Ri001.jpg[/img][/center] [color=silver][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [indent][color=silver]Weapon:[/color] [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/rwbyfanon/images/5/5d/CPBB-Gale_Leaf.png/revision/latest?cb=20131030043808]Shadow's Reach[/url] - CPBB - Conventional Projectile Blade Bow [i](I know, the color is all wrong. Imagine that the green parts are a more appropriate [b][color=darkslategray]color[/color][/b] and please ignore the leaf emblem.)[/i] [color=silver]Weapon transformations/derivations:[/color] [indent]Shortbow - The primary form of Shadow's Reach, and the one most used in combat. Brenin uses bodkin arrowheads, with a hollow in the head for a small vial or crystal of Dust. He generally keeps a few already prepared with various Dust types, but these are more likely to break to and somewhat dangerous to store. These arrows are stored in a durable case-like quiver that is slung across the small of his back. To avoid losing all of his ammunition, the inside of the quiver is magnetized to keep hold of the arrows. Gladius - A short sword with a wide and heavy blade. Brenin prefers this form when on the defensive, or when the full bow form would be too much of a hindrance. This is also the most compact form, and the one used to store the weapon. The quiver doubles as a sheath for this form. Kukri - A pair of long and slightly curved daggers, suitable for both slashes and thrusts. These are most often used when Brenin is going for an all-out attack in melee combat. While not offering much defensive capabilities, these blades allow him to be extremely mobile and efficient even up close.[/indent] [color=silver]Armor:[/color] Brenin wears very little armor, as it would hinder his ability to move swiftly. Typically, reinforced boots protect his lower legs and metal bracers encase his forearms. [color=silver]Other:[/color] Dust vials and crystals are kept in a pouch at Brenin's right hip on his belt. Another pouch closer to his quiver contains spare arrow parts, mostly including heads and fletching since those are the most easily damaged. [/indent] [color=silver][b]Semblance:[/b][/color] [u]Focused Burst[/u] - After taking a few seconds to steady himself and focus his Aura, Brenin is able to push himself far beyond normal human limits in terms of speed and agility. During this time, he moves quickly enough that he perceives others to be moving in slow motion. No other factors seem to be affected by this state, and he can easily injure himself if he doesn't take things like velocity and momentum into account before making his move. This ability can currently be maintained for a maximum of about five real-time seconds in one go, or until his focus is disrupted. While there is no limit to how often Brenin can push himself, using his semblance repeatedly will exhaust both his physical stamina and his Aura. He has been known to damage muscles and ligaments when going too far. The more complex his actions are, the less time he has with his unnatural agility. As it stands, he can't attack with any form of his weapon more than once without ending the effect immediately. [color=silver][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [indent] Dexterous - Even without his semblance, Brenin is still fleet of foot. As well as being fast and agile, he has an incredible sense of balance. Overall, this allows him to remain on the move while using his bow's range to his advantage. His hands are as quick as his feet, a necessity for his chosen styles of combat. Silent Step - Due to long hours of practice, Brenin is rather accomplished when it comes to feats of stealth. He has learned to walk and even jog in near silence, as well as fade into the shadows or quickly break an opponents line of sight. When focused on maintaining cover (i.e. sniping from the sidelines while his comrades do battle in the open) he is nearly imperceptible until he takes his first shot. Intent Focus - Brenin excels when he can focus on one thing at time. This mostly translates into his archery. After spending a few moments studying his target and intended strike zone, it is incredibly unlikely that he will miss due to a fault of his own. This has its downsides as well. If he's focused on sneaking up on an opponent to incapacitate them, he would be highly unlikely to notice someone coming up to flank him. [/indent] [color=silver][b]Personality:[/b][/color] At first, Brenin tends to come off as arrogant or rude. This impression generally isn't helped by the fact that that it seems like he rarely ever speaks. When he does it comes out blunt and direct. Because of this, he tends to end up with a lot of enemies from pointing out things he considers problems. This is especially true because he's stubborn and doesn't know when to back down. It takes a lot to really get under his skin, but it turns out he's at his most verbose when he's actually pissed. Of his friends he is rather possessive and defensive. Brenin does not trust easily, and those he considers close enough to call 'friend' are few and far between. While he is generally found to be more talkative around those few, he is still fairly quiet and reserved. [color=silver][b]Short Bio:[/b][/color] Brenin's life was far from simple or easy, as he grew up outside the kingdom of Atlas. Life was harsh, especially since his father did not stick around for long after he was born. The boy's mother seemed to take single parenthood rather well, as she was a fairly capable woman in her own right. As he grew, Brenin's priorities became survival and becoming stronger. His mother taught him to handle a bow so he could help her hunt and defend the small village. Learning to handle blades came later, when he became stronger and was forced to fend for himself more often. What eventually drove him into Atlas proper and the Atlas Academy's Junior section was the desire to continue to grow stronger in order to defend others when they were unable to help themselves. While he flourished as a fighter in the Academy, Brenin remained in the background socially and was only an average scholar. Intent on proving himself worthy of becoming a Specialist, he worked hard to improve on all fronts. Finally moving on to the Senior section, he considers being assigned a team on of the greatest challenges he will face. In the past he had always preferred to work on his own.