Oh god... heh I know someone who has a goblin deck. he once had 400 1/1 goblins out at once. Tokens are fun but not when you are fighting against them. I like making decks that make no sense but work. lol I have this random black red and blue deck just because I wanted to but my Nicol Balas planeswalker in Xd Had to order a commander just for the deck.
I can't run a commando deck XD I'm not that talanted, I've gotten 600 3/3's out in a match once. I've learned to never have just 1/1's cause there are a lot of damage cards that will do 1 to all opponents monsters. I learned that the hard way.. Multiple times XD
XD Wow... Yeah I understand. I usually don't run token generating decks. I particularly like artifact decks. my first deck was an artifact. I like it because a lot of artifact creatures aren't affected by some devastating spells and effects. Plus, if they do get destroyed, my commander is made for me to easily bring them back into play and with a certain card combo, keep destroying permanents. Man I love Magic.
I'm guessing mtg? I have a RWG, iroas, ajaini steadfast, chandra pryro, and domri rade. Just the big named, I switch out stead fast for mentor of heros. Also a green white with hydras mentor of heros, gurrik pride.
All the dragonlords are super neat, I really like Stormbreath Dragon and Utvara Hellkite who essentially does what Krenko does except with 6/6 flying Dragon tokens
Lol yeah. The new eldrazi has a dragon mage that summons a 5/5 dragon every upkeep or something like that with I think a certain creature requirement. Dragons are de best.
Actually, cthulhoid mostly, I have 25 years of dnd under my belt, though. I have to blow the dust off my fiend folio to remember what the name of my next monster is though.
Maru would have been attacked by the forest hunters, Eth would have fought the fish men, and would have seen the brain and dream eaters in his dream.
I just started DnD last year and had an awesome character till my DM killed us off. Went up against a beholder at lvl 4. I was a druid fighting as a giant octopus. I stole the beholder's magical horn artifact thingy and turned into a zombie when I ran low on health. We had around 5 players and the only one to make it out alive was our bard.