Tenna watched as Mutan fussed over the dress she hadn't worn in years, testing to see how well it fit despite how it would imply she had to have gained weight for any of that to change, making sure all the pleats were [i]just right[/i]. She was then treated to an excellent view of Mutan leaving for the shooting-range. She'd be performing laundry first, of course; providing Mutan a bit of a head-start to shoot some targets in peace before the others would even be informed of the informal meeting. But as time marched on, Jarred eventually did return to inform Adria of an invitation to blow stuff up; this eventually led to a slight commotion in the halls that notified both Isaac and Erika that something interesting would be happening involving Mutan, Adria, Tenna, and firearms. Mortimer did not seem to show much interest. When the dysfunctional ensemble of shipmates arrived, they were floored to discover that apparently 'high casual' meant 'wear an evening-gown', leaving only herself, Tenna, and Erika properly dressed for the occasion; as neither Isaac nor Adria had packed any evening-gowns.