Notable parents: Kihmari Ronso Name: Runya Ronso Age: 14 Sex: F Hair Color: White Eye Color: Dark Blue Appearance: She is a ronso. A ronso is a catlike race living in a snow-capped mountain far in the north. She is 14, so is 2/3 as tall as a full adult ronso. Her father was very tall, so she is still tall. Weapons: She carries a two headed lance. The forward head has an axe-like appendance, along with a sharp forward pointing blade (sort of like a pole axe). On the other end, there is a very sharp simple knife attached. Armor: Ronsos do not wear armor. Ronsos are quick and brave. Armor is for the weak, or so Kimahri taught her. Biography: She is the daughter of Kimahri Ronso. When Kimahri returned to his homeland in full honor, he instantly became head of his tribe. Women loved him. This allowed Kimahri to pick any female he wanted, and so he fell in love with the village beauty queen (A very attractive Ronso) who happened to be the previous chieftan's daughter. For many years, the two ruled the Ronso on the snow capped mountains. They made many babies, many of which grew up and were sent to other places in Spira to learn about foreign cultures in the spirit of their father. Runya is 14 years old and is traveling to Besaid to meet those who are her father's friends. She is paying homage to those who fought with her father and who her father loved. She is also here to make friends with humans, thus following her father's footsteps. One day, she hopes to be a guardian (to a summoner) like her father. Personality: She is very active and loves to be in the thick of the action. She is free spirited, energetic, and loyal to any friends she makes. Occassionally, she can be judgemental and sarcastic (for a Ronso), but she has a morality and honor system which her father taught her to always live by. Arriving or living?: Arriving