Druid had very little conversation with the wolves since she was so surprised that they had talked to her directly. Sure, she could communicate with animals but she would be the one to take the initiative. The wolf had just talked to her directly and she hadn't even said anything to them. She instead just left and went to her room, playing with her flowers, letting them bloom and grow beyond what they would on their own but still felt natural, as if all limits were gone for them. She was in her room until called to discuss a sudden mission. She hurried there and listened to the plans. She wasn't sure why she was surprised to be in a team but she somehow was. She was a part of those who would take care of the hostages and any bystanders. She thought that could be easy but a little voice in her said that it might be the hardest part of the mission. Keeping the hostages safe AND keep the rabble at bay. She wasn't sure if she was ready. [Center]===[/Center] Mindjack had been hit by the spider guy's kick so hard that it actually made him tumble off the roof, his helmet actually cracked. He just managed to use his tk powers to hover just a few inches from the ground but when he went back up to face the two, they were both gone, nowhere to be found. He cursed and went back for his clothes. It wasn't all lost however. He had a taste of their psyche ad could possibly search for either of them if they were close by using his telepathy. With that in mind he put on his clothes and left the park, his path leading him to a certain hostage situation.