[center][h3][color=620E61]Jessica Bishop[/color][/h3][hider=image][img]http://fashionreview.co.uk/images/all-saints/womens-summer-fashion-2011/allsaints-womens-spring-summer-fashion-2011-09.jpg[/img][/hider] [i][sub]Jessica is tall and skinny. While being slender, she's fit, which means she has nearly no butt to speak of and she's flat in front. Jessica is either seen in her socializing scene, decked out in jewels and the finest clothes. Or in "work" clothes. Which are usually ratty jeans and a t-shirt.[/sub][/i][/center] [b][color=620E61]Age:[/color][/b] A woman never tells~ [b][color=620E61]Faction:[/color][/b] Unaligned [b][color=620E61]Bio:[/color][/b] Jessica is a little bit of a split personality to those who don't really know her. On one hand she is a socialite, a very social butterfly and gossip. Always chatting and holding great parties. She drinks a fair amount and likes her men to be lookers. Most of the time in the wealthy circles, she acts like she really doesn't know anything. Beautiful, but dumb. Outside of these circles, Kim is smart. She isn't above double crossing or using people to get what she wants. She has few friends, only two. She loves pretty things and will do most anything to obtain them. She has also been known to be a little unhealthy in her fixations. Born to rich parents, Jessica grew up spoiled. When Jessica was younger her parents would leave her at their mansion in New York with a nanny. Her nanny gave little Jessica whatever she wanted. As she grew up she began to go to school. There she made few friends. Those that she did get along with, were barely tolerable and not really friends. They were often mean and nasty to each other, constantly putting each other down about how [i]fat[/i] they were or [i]ugly[/i]. When Jessica was old enough she convinced her parents to let her come with them on business meetings. Jessica still remembers the first time she had been told no. She doesn't remember why they were there but she remembers the painting. A gorgeous woman in white. It was the [i]Lady Hamilton as Circe[/i] by George Romney in 1782. How little Jessica wanted the painting. She told her parents to buy it and told "no". The shock was never nearly the end of Jessica. But it didn't get the better of her. From that point on Jessica fixated on the painting. Jessica's true first friend was found on a business trip to shanghai. The younger Chinese girl, [url=http://thebestfashionblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/chinese-women-streetstyle-2011-09.jpg]Wang Mei Lin[/url], didn't speak a word of English, not did Jessica speak a word of Cantonese. Jessica went home that night and demanded to learn how to speak Cantonese. Her parents did her one better and taught her both Cantonese and Mandarin at the same time. By the time Jessica was in her late teens she was pretty much fluent in the two languages. Jessica also started to learn German on her own when she decided she'd be the one to find the treasure the Nazi's stole in WWII. When she came into her parents money after their deaths when she was twenty, she tried to buy the painting that she had coveted nearly her entire life. When that failed, she turned to theft. Not of the painting, but other ones. From private collectors, from crooks, from their hiding places in the world. She stole whatever struck her fancy and sold the rest to fund her enterprise. Jessica sometimes returns to the Tate in London to visit the painting when it goes on display. However she leaves it alone. Once, Mei Lin asked Jessica why, and all she received as an answer was "because that's how it must be". Mei Lin assists Jessica on her escapades. To the world at large Mei Lin is an Asian oddity. There is even gossip that Mei Lin and Jessica are lovers. The truth is unconfirmed. Also assisting Jessica is [url=http://40.media.tumblr.com/812915775d89c0993b9f28f8aaf77f67/tumblr_nib8ikTePY1u8zjnio1_1280.jpg]Devin[/url], a computer geek. Jessica slept with him in college and while the two are no longer together, they are still good friends. When Jessica turned twenty three she dropped out of college and began to set herself up as a full time thief. She predominately steals artwork, though she does keep a few pieces. She has also been known to freelance for certain individuals if the job is interesting and the price is right. However, to the public Jessica is a bimbo who tosses extravagant parties and is blowing through her parent's money. [b][color=620E61]Weaponry:[/color][/b] Jessica carries a hand gun, Glock 19 Gen4 (9mm Luger). She also carries mace, a ceramic blade, a two combat knifes. [b][color=620E61]Equipment:[/color][/b] Jessica's equipment varies on her type of mission. If she's infiltrating a party for information she wouldn't bring things like work boots or climbing rope. Same goes for if she's spelunking, she wouldn't wear heels and a pretty dress. Being independently wealthy helps her get her hands on anything she needs no matter where she is in the world.