[hider=Donald Richardson] Name: Donald 'Don' Richardson Appearance: [url=https://www.yourprops.com/movieprops/default/47a93b08c9558/Young-Indiana-Jones-Chronicles-Young-Indy-s-Diary-2.jpg]A picture of Don in his tent at the dig site, writing in his notes.[/url] It was taken moments before the Talon Corp. raided their camp. Age: 24 Faction: Independant Personality: Don is a curious and an adventurous fellow, which oftentimes leads him to dangerous situations which he believes makes the adventure all the more fun. He is rather sarcastic and is usually called a smartass, due to his wisecracking at even the most serious situations. Being a Harvard graduate, he is obviously cunning and intelligent, but doesn't think of himself as such. Bio: Not much can be said about Don's early life. He learned to walk, talk, was potty-trained, and all the stuff little kids should know how to do. When he was 7, he joined Cub Scouts, and they took a trip to a large series of caves somewhere in Arizona. All the scouts were given flashlights as they went through, but Don got lost. He was eventually found, but not because the group went looking for him; he found his way to the surface himself. From that moment on, Don wanted to live a life of thrills and danger, travelling the world and discovering all he could. At 14, his family took a trip to the Amazon and Don, of course, went exploring himself. He accidentally fell into a small opening, and tarantulas began to crawl all over him, providing him with a newfound fear of spiders. At 18, Don graduated high school and went to Harvard, studying archaeology. At 23, he graduated. He recently went on an expedition to Germany, and, during an excavation, his group found something: a part of the coordinates to Nazi's cache of technology and other treasures. Though the group didn't know what it was at first, they would soon find out when they were raided by Talon Corp. members. Don, being the only person who didn't resist them, was spared but captured. They've had him ever since, and plan to keep him until they no longer need him, but he has other plans... Weaponry: None following his capture. He prefers semi-auto pistols, however. Equipment: Some excavating tools, notes on the progress of the dig, and, the most important of all, a small scrap of paper with the unfinished coordinates of the Nazi cache on it (this is the reason he was captured, of course). The strange this is, he STILL doesn't know what the coordinates are. [/hider]