Hey LoneSilverWolf, I've looked through your banners and signatures and I have to say that you do some pretty awesome work! That being said I was wondering if you could do an Standard set for me? I know avatars aren't available right now so I'll have to come back for that request, but we can still to the signature right? Since the size thing is always changing as the guild is being built back up, I guess just make it the maximum size lol. Here is the main image I want to incorporate: [IMG]http://oddstuffmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/fire_art_14.jpg[/IMG] As far as text, I'm really torn between using So set a fire down in my soul that I can't contain that I can't control -OR- The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire So I'll let you fiddle around with what you like or what you think looks best with the direction you're going with this. The theme is 'Elegant Fire', if you haven't been able to gather that much yet lol Really all else that there is to say is to really enjoy yourself with this one, I'm not at all picky and feel free to add your own little things that you see fit that go well with the theme :)