[b]Akane Hanazawa // Crypt of Hopes and Dreams[/b] June 13th, Saturday, 2015 Life in the mirror world is as mysterious and unexpected as ever, take their latest adventure for example. Here Akane stood before the latest 'dungeon', trying to make sense of the sight. [color=9e0b0f][b]"I know gothic buildings in this world is popular, but really?"[/b][/color] her face twitched in disgust as she shook her head. Gothic architecture and bright colors should never go together. It was just strange, especially considering it looks like a tomb. Then again, it kind of adds to the creep factor, now doesn't it? It was just like the last dungeon as there were barely any shadows inside this one as well. It's kind of strange really, you'd expect a whole mess of them inside a place like this. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Kind of boring as well..."[/b][/color] she had muttered after going through the first shadow in what seems like forever. [i]Boredom truly does make things seem longer than they really are, huh?[/i] She began hoping that the boss of this dungeon would help alleviate her boredom and not go down so easily. [i]It was a simple thing to ask for, right?[/i] She thought as she continued running to the final destination with the others. When they finally got to the boss room, it seems the usual is starting to take place. The big bad shadow acting all tough and scary while going on about how he's the real one. They sure take on some 'interesting' appearances, huh? She looked on at it's monolithic visage with blood and all. The swords were a nice touch. "So this is Alexei's shadow, eh?" After gazing on in wonder, that wonder was destroyed as soon as she began hearing 'that thing' speak. [color=9e0b0f][b]"What a whiny emo bitch you are, seriously..."[/b][/color] she said with obvious irritation at the shadow. Though, it would only prove to agitate the thing further. Which didn't take long as it grabbed a sword out of the monolithic body, grasping it in-between it's fingers and threw it at the party. The other darted to the side but Kotori remained there frozen in fear. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Shit!"[/b][/color] Without much time to lose, Akane immediately summoned Setanta and managed to easily block the shadow's barrage. After breathing a sigh of relief, she turned behind her and asked Kotori if she was alright only for her to apologize with a guilty look on her face. Akane responded by patting her on the head and telling her it was alright. After all, everyone gets scared at some point in their lives, right? [color=9e0b0f][b]"Trouble turning, you say?"[/b][/color] she pondered after Rui's order. [i]Then the choice is obvious....![/i] Calling upon Setanta, she ordered out a kill rush on the sides.