The whole ride to the archives, Don was thinking of comebacks to what the men might say. He already thought about the phrase 'don't fuck with me' or something along those lines, to which he'd reply, "Fuck with you? I wouldn't even touch you." Of course, no matter how he said it, it'd most likely end with him getting punched in the face. So, only about a fifth of the way to archives, Don decided he wouldn't be a smartass unless he wanted a black eye. So the whole ride there, Don would hum [url=]a song[/url] that he liked to listen to in his boyhood years. And soon, he would simply just start singing it, "Brazil, where hearts were entertaining June, we stood beneath an amb-" His singing was interrupted by one of the Talon Corp. guys shouting at him to shut the fuck up. So, of course, Don just kept on singing. It was just then that the same one who told him to shut up continually punched him in the gut. Don just laughed, and continued singing. After a few more punchs, so hard that Don even coughed up a drop or so of blood at one point, the man stopped once Don had finished singing. Don just simply slumped back, smiling. He looked at the man, then said: "That was fun. Wanna go again?" He didn't even wait for the man's response before singing once again, and again being punched over and over. They stopped after the driver shouted at both, and then they finally arrived at the archives. Don looked at Becker with a defiant grin. Still, he didn't want to be beat up again so he played it smart. "Sure, Becky. I gotcha." With that, he followed them inside the archives and searched around for the coordinates. As he searched, he asked: "Hey Becky, you mind telling me why these coordinates are so important that you slaughtered my whole team?"