I should probably boop here even though my character is ninety percent done. [i]Boop.[/i] Oh yeah this is probably a good time to mention that I'm the co-GM here. [quote=@Conflagration] Question: I've a character that I made but never got chance to use that I could repurpose quite easily for this, but his backstory is... well it's pretty grim by my standards. I guess what I'm asking is 'how dark is too dark'? [/quote] It's hard to say, but I'm sure we can make it fit. Send Dargo or I the character concept so we can give it a decent look. [quote=@Dead Cruiser] Here's my pitch: a centuries-old swordsman bound to an Eldritch Arm that imbues him with immortality. Wanders the world sort of like [i]Yojimbo[/i] as a nameless vagabond, though meddles with the affairs of common people when he feels need to. Now, I didn't see an explicit Japan analogue written up, so I'll refer to my character as a "swordsman" for now, but my original idea had him as basically a ronin. [/quote] That works. There are lands far off from Galadia where ronin (or at least an equivalent) could come from, and with such a long life there are plenty of opportunities for one to find themselves in Galadia. The idea sounds good!