Ember glared at the demon, mostly to keep her eyes focused. She hated the creature. His smile came in slow motion, and as she watched as the quick little hound lept at him, her teeth piercing the flesh of his backside through his clothes. He let out a shriek and spun, claiming revenge on the hound that bit him with a swift stab of his blade. [color=000000]'Kill the dog.'[/color] Glowy snarled in her ear. [color=000000]'I hate dogs.'[/color] Ember wrinkled her nose at the thought. The dog had just spared her life a few more seconds, gaining a brutal injury in the process. Now wasn't exactly the time to murder the thing. The second dog growled, protectively standing between the demon and Sunny, who jerked her stick out to trip the enemy. Watching him fall happened in slow motion, too. Ember tensed her arms as he came forward, his arms flailing before him to catch himself. Ember took a breath, watching him get lower, letting her arrow loose between heart heavy heartbeats. It flew only a short distance, sinking into the demon's skull with a solid and clear noise. It protruded out of the rear of his head, pieces of his brain flinging away, landing in the soil carelessly. The rest of his body landed a moment later, time speeding back up again. Ember reached over her shoulder to draw another arrow, only to find her rolling had turned and messed her quiver up and she could reach none. Shaking, Ember let her arm drop heavily, her amber eyes landing on Sunny. [color=000000]'Kill the dogs!'[/color] Glowy shrieked, making Ember wince. [color=000000]'Kill them! I hate dogs! I hate dogs!'[/color] [color=ababab]"I hate dogs,"[/color] Ember repeated numbly, black spots forming in her vision. She slumped backward into the dirt, her body bent oddly in her sudden loss of control. Her eyes stared without focus as the sky for a second as the trees jumped back and forth before the word went black.