[b]Akane Hanazawa // Crypt of Hopes and Dreams[/b] June 13th, Saturday, 2015 Floor 1 Luck seems to be in short supply for Akane lately. Why might you ask? Well, as the usual with her first strikes on the bosses, it always starts off well, only to crash and burn. Upon seeing that her attacks were meaningless, she could only grind her teeth in frustration.[i] A magical shield....that goddamned thing has a magical shield?![/i] Rui, upon observing the exchange, tried his own hand, though he did manage to inflict damage, it wasn't enough. As evidence by the shadow's irritating smile. [i]It's got quite the nerve.... [/i] Rui then jumped back as Setanta's Kill Rush was suddenly repelled by an array of swords, causing some damage to Akane. It wasn't a major blow, but the fact remained that he was able to repel Setanta and in-turn, damaged her in the process. Though, Kotori was there and used 'Media' to patch them up. Whew. With a magical shield on-top of a repelling one, Akane just couldn't recklessly attack as per usual, and until they can figure of it's weak points, they had no other choice but to be cautious. Until Ayano manages to identify its weak point and they can formulate a plan, it looks like they'll be on the defensive for now. [i]In that case.....[/i]Summoning Setanta once more, [b][color=9e0b0f]"Rakukaja!"[/color][/b] she called.