Longarm studied the young male fairy closely. It was clear he was in pain and exhausted... No other questions were so desperate that they couldn't wait for the fairy to regain some of his strength. Since it wasn't a bite there was no worry about poison, just infection. The fairy's complexion was awfully ashen, despite his heavy tan, but Longarm wasn't confident in what he could do except let the fairy rest, not trusting himself to try a blood transfusion (which was risky enough from human to human, but from human to fairy? And he couldn't have Lyriia donate the blood, not in her state...) The fairy didn't seem to be in distress, after all. And was (mostly) conscious, and not losing any more blood. Longarm directed his attention back to the fairy. [color=a2d39c]"You are a brave young man. Rest now; I'll bring you a tea to drink and a salve and bandage for your wound." [/color] He hurried back into the kitchen/workroom, carefully mixing herbs. He used the ones from Lyriia's supply, as those were already broken into fairy-sized dosages. He poured a few drops of boiling water into an acorn and stirred the leaf paste in, and added honey for flavor. Then he took a small bowl and cloth and put hot water into that, and made, on a tiny dish, another paste of rather yellow hue. The elderly physician brought all the supplies back to the examining table, setting the tray down at the foot of the table. He picked up the acorn cup gently between two fingers and held it for the fairy, using his other hand to gently prop the young man up so that he wouldn't choke on the liquid. [color=a2d39c]"Herbs to numb the pain, and help you sleep. You need rest, child."[/color]